Tuesday, October 2, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 3)

Episode 3 :

Okay guys ... Episode 3 is here ...

As usual... if you missed out the previous Episodes ..here you go :)

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Here it goes.....so after the aunty and her grand daughter incident ... i stopped by ION Orchard to do some window shopping , since i still have 2 hour plus before my meeting time... ( the meeting venue just 1 station away from Orchard MRT station...)

So when i was walking around in the mall.... suddenly a couple came to me and asked me a question.... they look like tourist ...

Tourist couple : Excuse me MISS, may I know here is the MRT station??

So being a Malaysian , we should be helpful right?? so i showed them the way to the MRT station (eh... not bad wei , im a foreigner  and i still managed to lead them to the MRT station, i didn't bring them to Holland ok? )

Bring them to Holland - Definition =  Usually Chinese will use this phrase to describe you lead a person to no where or lost , or to wrong places 

Tourist couple : So nice of you MISS, you are a LOVELY LADY.....

Me : errr.... ahhh..... ACTUALLY IM A MAN... by the way .. you are welcome  -_-

Tourist couple : aww.... im so sorry .... but you look like a girl....

Me : its okay ...it happened always ....

Then they left ....

Me?? don't know should angry ...sad or happy ....
why??? why u still thought im a girl after i talked to you ??...hiahh....

Stay tune for Episode 4 !!!

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