Friday, October 5, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 4)

Episode 4:

To recap the previous episodes?? here you gooooooo!!!!!!

Episode 1:

Episode 2:
Episode 3:
So fast already Episode 4 yah ..... okok..... its about time to go for meeting .... took MRT to the meeting venue.... reached the office... and I was greeted by the receptionist ...

Receptionist : Good afternoon MISS, may i help u ??

Me : ermm... Afternoon .... i have a meeting with Mr. J ( better don't review his real name , must respect other's one marr... right??? :p) - with deeply manly macho voice....

Receptionist : whooppps .. im so sorry  SIR( she realized im a MAN)....Mr. J is not back from  lunch yet ... can you please wait a while ?

Me : Sure :) 

So i waited a while at the office lobby .... suddenly Mr. J came in and saw me .... 

Mr. J : Hi Yi Tung!!!!! 

Me : Hi Mr. J!

Mr.J : ohhh you are a MAN! i thought you are a girl ( its our 1st time meeting each other)

Me : ahahahaha... you are kidding right?

Mr. J : hahahahaa nope! im serious....

Me : seriously ... im a MAN.... 

Mr. J : hahahha ....okok.... im sorry ..

So we proceeded to the meeting room .... when i went in the room .... there were another 2 more people that will sit in the meeting .... which i will name then as Mr A&B, so i greeted them as well la...

Mr. A&B : my god... you are a MAN....we thought you are a GIRL dude!!

Me : no way ..... Im a MAN.... seriously..

Mr. A & B: but in the photo and picture u look exactly like a girl....

Me : And now u met me ... and im a real MAN...

we all : hahahahhaa

So when the meeting finished .... said good buy to them ..

As usual ... tangki full ( bladder full) ... went to the nearest toilet ....

When im done, came out from the cubical ... a guy came in the toilet .... as usual la... i go to wash my hands... he looked at me .. and he don't dare to pee.... and he just walked out .... but when i walked out from the toilet ... that guy went in .... means he waited for me to come out 1st la.....

Hey!! whats wrong with  all these guys in Singapore???
something wrong la... really something wrong ....
To be continued ...for Episode 5!

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