Friday, August 10, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 3 [total of 6 episodes])

Episode 3:

So after i left the airport ( already vomited 3 times in a roll) felt abit wanna faint due to lack of blood.

if some of you missed out episode 1 and 2 , nevermind, herewith the link:

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

okok... back to episode 3 now...

After 1 hour of car drive ( my god ... the driver in india just love to honk man .... they will honk what ever they see, in malaysia , we will honk when people block your way la... double park that you cant move out la.... and all sorts of  annoying behaviors , but in india , the drivers here will honk when they see any cars or see any people walking on the street , impressive) Imagine me lack of blood + the whole 1hr journey listening my driver keep honking all the way to my hotel .....

At last reached my hotel... wohoooo... its a very nice 5 stars hotel :)
Matthan Hotel - Bangalore

Staffs there very polite and helpful, their staff helped me to unload my luggage and greeted me :

Staff A : Good evening Madam! 

Me : Good evening , but im not madam :)

Staff A stoned there for few seconds....

When i reached the reception, 2 staffs greeted me :

Staff B & C : welcome to Matthan Hotel Madam! its pleasure to meet you!

Me : Thank you !! (and i lazy to explain , and i have to give them my passport for verification.)

Staff C : whoopppss.... im so sorry SIR to address you as a Madam just now, as you look like a Madam... 

Me : its okay , alot people mistaken me as well :)  ( actually i already vomit blood 4th time )

Staff A escorted  me to my room , while we walking to my room , Staff A said :

Staff A : Madam, gym is at 2nd floor and the cafe its at ground floor :)

Me : Sir... im a guy, just like you , not Madam....

Staff A : Im so sorry Madam! nono i mean SIR....

Me : Vomit blood 5th time.....

Ooiii!!! how many times you need me to tell u  im not MADAM??

Some of the interior scenes of the hotel:

Allright i need to sleep and get some rest due to lost too much blood in 1 day...

To be continue for Episode 4..... Stay Tune.....

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