Tuesday, August 14, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 4 [total of6 episodes])

Episode 4:

Dear all readers....... here comes Episode 4, and again if you missed out Episode 1- 3

Here you go :

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

I'm staying in this hotel for a week..... so every morning i will go to the cafe to have my breakfast and without fail, all the staff greeted me with 

" GOOD MORNING MADAM" ... which was already used to it ......

I went to the gym twice in  a week.... but there was a awkward moment happened in the gym, which was when i was running at the treadmill, some of the cleaners actually keep looking at me when im doing my workout... and i can tell you it really feels weird man.. imagine 3 cleaners looking at you when you are running on the treadmill....  i was sweating like hell... and suddenly 2 cleaners came to me and said :

Cleaner  A & B : MADAM!!!! herewith  a new towel to wipe your sweat and a botel of water for you to drink...

To be honet i was damn impressed with their service man ..... i feel like im a king .... got people serve me towel and water when im sweat..... 

But WTF is wrong with me?? why all staffs and cleaners love to address me as MADAM??? why??

Me : thank you very much ( i will feel bad if i argue with them that im a real MEN, since they treated me so well)

There was a very sweet thing about this hotel is , they do serve complementary fruit platters everyday :D

So every day i called the room service and they will serve me the fruits...

Its been 4 days was the same staff served me the fruits .. and this is what happend :

knock knock knock! 

I opened the room door...

Staff A : Good evening Madam!!! herewith your daily complementary fruit platter....

Me : hallo ! hey.... its been 4 days ... you still greeted me as a MADAM?? and i already corrected you every day that im a SIR or MR....why you still call me MADAM??

Staff A : im so sorry Madam ..... nono i mean SIR....

Me : dont i look like a MEN now? im wearing a blue boxer, and a white t-shirt.... and im not wearing any lacy sleepwear or pink pants.....
My GF was skype(ing) with me , and she laughed kinda loud when she heard Staff A greeted me as a Madam..

Staff A : im so sorry SIR and please enjoy your fruits... good night MADAM!

Me : good night ....  you just call me MADAM again...dont call me Madam anymore please ......
seems like they all really like to call me madam... FML... 
haiyor............ to be continue for Episode 5.....

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