Tuesday, August 7, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 2 [total of 6 episodes])

Episode 2

Okay .. If you guys missed out episode 1 here is the link :

As this is the second episode.

Still at the airport, already kinda hot tempered due to the weird cleaner.

India airport its kinda strict , wherever u go also need to do scanning and verification. Before I exit the arrival hall, I need to do a final scan, the custom saw me and check my passport , he said:

Custom :"Madam , your photo in your passport look like a guy, I think it's time to change your photo"
(In India, all people will address me MADAM.. this is standard. so no MISS, AUNTY, Leng Lui and etc)

Me : Sir I'm a real man... And in the passport already stated that I'm a male , so I think it's fine that my passport photo look like a man right? (vomit blood 2nd time)

Custom: (silent) and he just returned my passport and let me go...

When I'm at the arrival hall, I need to look for my driver in India that holding my name in the sign.

Aaahaaa!! I found you!! ( means I found my driver....) when I walked to him and said :

Me : hi ! I'm Yitung, nice to meet you;)

Driver: Madam, I think you got the wrong person, company said Yitung is a guy.

Me: don't I sound like a guy now ? Even my hair is long? (vomit blood 3rd time)

Driver : I'm so sorry sir! Please .. This way to the car....

Just itself at the airport already 3 cases ... OMFG.... I think I will lose a lot more blood for the next few days...
Why oohhh why..... why in the airport can happened so many cases??

Stay tune for episode 3
(to be continue)

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