Friday, August 17, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 5 [total of 6 episodes])

Episode 5 :

Yooooo!!! Episode 5 is here... im sorry if some of you get bored with this mini series.... will end very soon ya :D

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Okay ..... its been a week in India, and its time to go home ( Malaysia) :D...already immuned with the honk and jam break in India .... nothing annoy me ...

Reached Bangalore airport.... my driver helped me to unload my luggage... and gave him some tips due to his good service to drive me around for the whole week.

so i have to find my counter to check in my luggage, yeap... found  Malaysia Airlines counter  ... its so nice that there is a staff that help you to carry your bag to put on the counter check in every weight platform.
Yes, this is the check in counter platform i meant ..
When was my turn ... the counter staff greeted me me with 

Counter staff : Good evening Madam!!!  welcome to Malaysia Airlines :D

Me : Hallo .. good evening ! ( im just too lazy to explain to her... and i just gave her my passport to check in)

Counter Staff : ohhh .. im sorry SIR , just now i greeted you Madam, after i saw your passport and realized that you are a MEN. ( aiyorr..... need to realize summore...... vomit blood jorrrr)

Me : Its okay ... you are not the 1st one... it happens, always ..

Counter Staff : Sir... due to the mistake i did... i arrange you alone in the whole stretch of seats... so you can have a better sleep and rest during the flight ... are you fine with it SIR?

Me : Really?? .... thats very kind of you :D thank you very much :)               (ouuyehhhh!!! i got 3 empty seats ... i can lye down and sleep straight in the plane!) - the privilege of being gender mixed up!

Counter Staff : Your welcome , my pleasure :)

So before i  entered the departure hall... my tangki( bladder) got full again ... so i have to go to the nearest toilet before i go in to the departure hall....found the toilet .. wanted to get in... but ....

Cleaner : Madam , this is male toilet....yours is this side ( she blocked me, and dont allow me to enter the male toilet)

Me : Im a MEN , and i belong to this male toilet , and please dont waste my time.. im in rush ( im really wanna pee jorrrr- tangki gonna pecah(means exploded) soon)..

Cleaner : Madam ... please dont play with me.... please this way to female toilet... ( WTF is wrong with him?  said im playing with him wei??)

Me : okay!!! seems like you insist me a MADAM, and YOU WANT ME TO ENTER FEMALE TOILET RIGHT???

Cleaner : Yes Madam....

Me : ok fine! ( i just went in female toilet) (First time in my life i can entered female toilet legally)
I can enter into female toilet LIKE A BOSS.... male readers can you?? MUAHHHAHA! ( evil laughed)

I finished peeing in the cubical.. obviously .. because there are no urinal in female toilet .... when i came out from the cubical.... i saw 2 indian ladies putting up some make up at the basin in front of mirror ....

So i walked to the basin and looked at them.... ( im ready for them to shout or scream when they see a guy(me) in the female toilet )

When they 2 looked at me ( for few seconds...) .... they continue putting on their make up and ignore me....wahlau ehhhhh!! im i really look like a girl meh??

I went out the female toilet , the cleaner summore said " thank you Madam!"

I really felt insulted lor..... basket!!!!

this is very painful wei!!....... heart pain .....whyyy??? tell me why???
To be continue for the last Episode..

Stay tune for Finale Episode!!!

