Friday, March 16, 2018

Tennis Edition

Date happened : 10 March 2018 

As usual weekend tennis with my GF , prepared all the gears and stepped into the court and as usual also and i saw a familiar face next court .

as usual again lor, i just raised my hand ( to say hi to him ) , and he also looked at me and say hi to me ( friendly) 

And final step , i tied up my hair and start to warm up , that "familiar face" suddenly laughed and he came to me and said :

Familiar Face : Hahahahhaa you know what , i'm very sorry ! just now i thought a hot chick said Hi to me and i was damn happy  until you tiep up you hair that only realized it was you hahaha

Me : .......

Friday, April 1, 2016

Lift Edition

Date Happened : 31 march 2016

Hallo ! Long time no see ! Hope you all are well ya .. ( i talked to formal wan mer?)

okok .... as u all know , one day i still having my shoulder length hair, gender mixed up cases will still happened. So no surprised la... today this case happened in the lift ( my condo lift) and yes, the venue is one of the famous place to happened.

Like this lor :

As usual , in the lift ( going home ), the  elevator stopped half way , and a family came in :)

So it was my neighbor with 2 kids :

Neighbor : Hi !

Me : Hi ! :) How are you ?

Neighbor : Good , call Gor Gor ! ( it's cantonese / Mandarin ,  a respect terms to address a younger  man )

One of the boy : Girl Girl!

Neighbor : wei ! not girl girl is Gor Gor!!!

One of the boy : Girl Girl !! hehehehehe  Hahahahahaha

Neighbor : Not Girl is gor gor , gor gor is a boy like u !

One of the boy : heheeh Girl Girl , Girl Girl long hair ! ( pointing at me )

Me : its okay ... i'm used to it ( very super duper macho sound)

One of the boy : ........ ( gave me a shocking stonned face )

- The End - 

Have a great weekend guys!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Toilet Edition - The come back !

Date Happened : 14 Jan 2016

Toilet Edition :

Hallo All!! Long time no see ya! very paiseh , its been more than 1 year didn't update , it dosent mean no more gender mixed up case , it still happened day to day ( as long as i still having long hair la) 

Okay , so this time still the same , which is the very common or you can say popular place to happen this incident , which is TOILET .. yes ... the top place.

So is like that one la :

Me as usual went to toilet to pee and when i was washing my hands , i saw a small boy stood at the entrance and peeping me . I was like ... wtf is he doing there la... here comes the champion part :

Me : what are you doing there?

Small boy (fat small boy to be exact) : .........  ( continue quiet)

Me : hallo ... hallo ... hallo ....? do you know i'm talking to you?

Small boy : i want to pee 

Me : then why dont you come in?

Small boy : mum said here is male toilet , but why got girl here one ( pointing at me )

Me : haizzz..... i'm actually a guy ... yes i know i have long hair.... but cant u differentiate fro my voice , i'm a guy , correct?

Small boy : you still a GIRL

Me : whatever la

My reaction at the moment
Then this small boy still dont dare to come in the toilet ....


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Office Lobby Edition

Date Happened : 14 August 2014

Office lobby edition :

Harroo!!! long time no see ( in this blog only) !! 

So this case just happened today , was at client's office lobby and waiting the client. Then there is a mother with baby sat next to me at the sofa, they baby is cute / adorable and she did wanna have some interaction with me .. and suddenly she screamed , and the mother said :

Mother : dont shout!! you are scaring of JIE JIE! ( which is me) 

and the mother said : Sorry ya miss.. my baby is noisy ....

Me : ah..... ....  im not JIE JIE  or MISS

Mother : wah ... why your voice like that one ? ( she just walked a way) 

Hallo!!! i have no problem la .. just u treated me as a girl only ma :(

Are you serious????

Thursday, June 5, 2014

LinkedIn Edition

Date Happened : 4 June 2014

LinkedIn  Edition ;

Hallo Guys !!  Long time no see!!!! .. ehh .. really long time to be honest ... Paiseh la har ... ( Paiseh = feeling guilty to say sorry ) 

Okay ... just to clarify .. this blog is not dead yet har ... still alive wan 

okay ... cut short of my excuses .. and rubbish .. herewith the the story ...

Few days ago .. a guy added me in LinkedIn and i accepted his invitation lor... and after few days .. he sent me a message :

You say lah .... die or not ???

Now you tell me what to do ???
