Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pharmacy Edition

Date happened : 22 October 2012

Pharmacy Edition :

Hehehehhee... i don't think i have any pharmacy edition yet .... so this is the first time.....

Due to i had finished my Vitamin C and micro pore ( micro pore is a medical tape something like plaster, but i used it to wrap my fingers to prevent serious blisters from my tennis ) ...  damn why i have to explain so much ??

So i went to my regular pharmacy .... once i stepped in the pharmacy , one of the friendly pharmacist helped me to get the stuff i wanted .... so i just have to que up to pay my stuffs...

So when was my turn ... the conversation started here :

Casher : Hallo LENG LUI ~~ ( Damn friendly lor..... but failed ... she called me leng lui) 

Me : hallo si tao poh ( means lady boss - we usually will use it to address the lady shop owner in Malaysia for chinese) 

Casher : ohhh you take this vitamin C , no wonder your skin so nice ... so LENG LUI 

Me : Si tao poh,  im your regular customer.... you still dont know im a MAN ( REAL MAN) 

Casher : Aiyohhhh... im so sorry ..... LENG CHAI ( means handsome la , this  MUCH sound better )  Why you don't say earlier ??

Me : do i need to tell you im a MAN every time i step in here??

Casher : But you do look like a GIRL la.... long hair .. fair skin ... i will tell my customers to take more vitamin C as what you are taking now ....

Me : okay ... what ever ... -_-....

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