Friday, August 3, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 1 [total of 6 episodes])

Date happened : October 2011

International Edition -India (Bangalore)
Episode 1

Okay guys , this time it's a brand new style to tell you all what incident I faced during my India trip last year.

All right, I went to India Bangalore for my company induction trip. So I spent 1week there. But within the 1 week,was the most gender mixed up cases happened in my life. That's why I have to split it to 6 mini episodes ;)

When I reached Bangalore international airport, (Bangalore is the Silicon valley of India , all the international companies such as yahoo, msn, Microsoft , dell, inmobi are all located there, because there are plenty of engineers in this town.) Herewith some of the landmark of Bangalore..
Bull Temple

Glass house

As usual , my bladder is small , so the 1st thing after i landed the airport is go to the toilet! Found the toilet and went in.. But when I stepped in the toilet , the male cleaner stopped me ...

Me: what's wrong?

Cleaner: MADAM , this is male toilet, please go to the female toilet .

Me: err... I'm a guy, so please let me in and use the toilet ok?

Cleaner : no MADAM, I bring you to the female toilet which is opposite.(he really opened the door and guided me the way to the female toilet)

Me : hallo! I'm a real man! and I'm belong to here and im gonna use this toilet.
( I just went in and purposely, pee using the urinal to show him that I'm a real man! Roar!!!!)

The cleaner gave me a cock stare...

After I washed my hands, the cleaner said :

"Madam, please use the female toilet next time."

Wtf is wrong with this cleaner ar?? I'm already standing to pee and he still insist I'm a female???

Just arrived India already kena kao kao ...
aiyorrrr.... you  no see me guy???
To be continue.......

