Friday, August 30, 2013

International Edition - Australia Trip (Episode 2)

Date Happened :  From 8 August  - 20 August 2013

Episode 2:

Okay , herewith the link for episode 1 if you missed it :

Lets continue the story ya.... after touched down Melbourne... everything is great ... weather, place people..... BUT ... gender mixed up cases still happened .... okay .. this time... abit jialat la (For international readers : Jialat = means terror... or more serious ... this word usually only Malaysian or Singaporean will use it )  ... because this case actually happened in Public which is in a shopping mall....

This case is like that one .... my eyes were very dry  when i was in Melbourne, so i have to use an Optrex to moisture my eyes....  
For readers who don't know what is an Optrex 
So i was in Melbourne Central ( a shopping mall) and I my gf went to toilet and  i just waited her outside the toilet ... and due to my dried eyes.. i have to use this Optrex... and maybe ... maybe harr... i over applied , and there were some optex overflew out from my eyes ... and that time i also having a flu.... so basically i looked like a GIRL GUY crying and sneezing in the public ....

And maybe that time alot people looked at me .. and wonder what happened to me.... and here is the climax ..

A lady came to me and asked me :

Lady : Hi Madam.... are you allright??

Me : yaya im okay .. no worries ( im actually wiping the overflew tears- actually is overflew eye drops from Optrex) and also sneezing at the same time...

Lady : you dont look allright ... is there anything i can help?

Me : nonono... its okay ... im not crying .. it just the eye drops....

Lady : serious? sure?? 

Me : yaya ... im okay ... by the way im a GUY not a GIRL ..

Lady : oppss.. hahahahaha

Me : thanks anyway  :) ( still wiping my eyes )

But the champion thing is .. i was standing next to escalator.. and actually alot peoples looked at me ... damn paiseh wei .... ( paiseh  = embarrass) the situation actually look like this ( please see picture below) 
Now you can see how paiseh was the situation ....Please stay tune for Episode 3

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

International Edition - Australia Trip (Episode1)

Date Happened :  From 8 August  - 20 August 2013

Episode 1 :

Okay guys IM BACK!!!! First of all , im very very very sorry that i have not been updated  any thing on my blog for the past 3 weeks, as i was in Melbourne Australia for a vacation ..... sorry  laaa. i purposely don't want to bring any laptop to the trip.. ans i wanted to fully enjoy my holiday :) .. okok ... stop crapping  ... and some of you guys did wished me " enjoy your holiday and hope to hear some gender mixed up cases in Aussie ya!" ... now you all happy lor!! really happened already lor! There will be around 5-6 episodes  in total for this Aussie trip... okay lets dont waste time....

So this trip is abit special , as  my GF was with me through out trip... so she did experienced some of the cases here :) 

I was lucky , because the 1st case will happend in the airport.... but this time it was safe... the 1st case happened only on my way to the aircraft ...The 1st case actually like that . when its time for boarding .... we all lined up to enter the plan right? when when was my turn .. 

Stewardess : Good  Morning MISS , nice to see you , may i know your seat nunmber?

Me : Good morning ( in a macho voice ) , herewith my seat number ( showed her my air tix)

Stewardess : ohh no .... im sorry ...

Me : its okay ( in a macho voice)..

so when its time to serve our food... the other stewardess came to us and asked :

Stewardess B : Hi LADIES!! would you like to have Chicken Roll or Mushroom Roll?  

Me : 2 Chicken rolls please ( in a macho manly deep tone voice )

Stewardess B : ohh okay , and what drink would you two like to have?  ( Basket ... she still didn't realized im a GUY)

Me : Orange juice for me and a glass of plain water for her ( my gf)  ( Maximum deep tone voice ... as macho as i can ) 

Stewardess B : opps im sorry  .. ( now only realized ...   i nearly lost my voice to make all those macho deep tone  voice laaa!)

So it was all fine and the last case was we landed Melbourne International Airport , another Stewardess actually greeted us when we step out the plane...

Stewardess C : Thank you MISS Good bye MISS , enjoy your holiday MISS!

Me : Harro! .... im a guys laaaaa ( just told her straightly and too lazy to make any macho voice )

Stewardess C : my god .. im sorry .....

Y you all wanna treat me like this?? I just started my holiday wey ... :(

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Toilet Edition - 18 SX (not suitable for children)

Date Happened : 23 July 2013

Toilet Edition - 18SX

Explicit edition is back!!! already said its explicit lor.... so have to follow the international rules lor....

 "You must be at least 18 years of age to enter this page (21 years of age in the USA)"
