Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Carpark edition

Date happened : 4 September 2013

Carpark Edition :

aiseh .. this case very straight forward wan .....but shockingly lor..... why shockingly ?? ..

This case actually happened in 1U shopping mall.... so  there is my usual gym place....

so when i parked my car and came down ....  it was not so lucky that there was a couple next to my car ...

like that lor : - they were  having  quarrel

Lady : why you always like that!! you never understand you!!

Guy : how to understand?? girls are understandable!! ( wuah ... very Man .. I like! ) 有种!

Then they saw me came down from my car ..

Lady : MISS!! ( looking at me .. means me lah!) you say true or not ?? guys never know what WE want!! You must support me .. WE ARE GIRLS!!!

Aiyorr... tolong lah .....  they 2 not only quarrel .... but also BLIND one

Me : Harro!! i wanted to help you wan but IM ACTUALLY A GUY ( in a very macho deep tone super manly thick voice)

Lady : wahlao ehh.... y u  look like a girl? hehehe

Me : is there any problem ?? and its not funny ....

You all see la ... kek sim or not ? ( Kek Sim - heart pain )

hehehe ... not funny at all...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Clinic Edition ( Female clinic)

Date happened : 14 September 2013

Clinic Edition :

haaaaa .... dont think too much first haaaa....

The story is like this... i companied my GF to female clinic for regular check up .... and when i was happily playing with my smartphones... and the nurse at the reception saw me and this happened ...

Nurse : Only you? ( asked my GF) 

Gf : Yea :)

Nurse: How about her? She dont need to check up ? ( pointing at me ) 

Gf : nono ... he is a guy .. not a girl ....

Nurse : Hahahahahha ... sorry ...

Me : ........ ( speechless)
