Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Petrol Station Edition

Date Happened : 23 September 2013

Petrol Station Edition :

Due to our busy tight schedule life nowadays .. im sure  most of you all do experienced, NO TIME TO TAKE LUNCH ... so when this happened to me .. usually i will drop by petrol station to get some sandwiches :) 

So when i stepped in the petrol station store like a DIVA ( nono sorry sorry .. like a MAN) .. once i got my sandwiches, proceed to the payment counter .. and the cashier actually greeted me :

Cashier : Good  afternoon MADAM!!!

Me : Hallo!! ( in super duper deep macho tone muscular manly tone) 

Cashier : My god .... you are a guy .... ... im so sorry .... ( need to realized wan mer) 

Me : Its okay ... it happened always worries :(

Cashier : But you have a nice hair i must say !!  your hair is even nicer than some of the girls....

Me : ahhhhh..... errrr...... thanks for the compliment .. but its in the wrong way  -_-

But this is not the compliment i want :( sob sob....

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Vet Edition

Date Happened :31 Dec 2013

Vet Edition :

wooohooo.. this is the 1st post in 2014!! Happy new Year guys!!! My cases still happened as usual .. evrn on new year eve ... fulamak betul .... and this time is the first time happened at Vet .... as some of you guys know that i have a dog name Bailey .... pretty naughty we have to send her ( yes my dog is a female) to Vet for regular check up ... 

When me and my dog arrived the vet ... as usual .. have to give the owner name and the dog's name ... and in the record.... my GF was the one who filled in the details .. so the owner name is my Gf's name ...

Basket ... waited for 2 hours to be my turn .... when the doctor called my name ...

Vet : Bailey  and the owner  Mei Foong(My Gf's name)!

Me : Okay ! here...

Nurse : nono he is not Mei Foong! Mei Foong is a girl ..

Vet : (Pointed at me) .. she is a girl what!! Obviously ...

Me : Harro!!! I'm a guy lahhhhh... Mei Foong is my Gf's name 

Vet : hahahaha!!! im sorry ... but very funny lah u .... okok  soon will be your turn ...

Damn malu wei .... there were more then 15 dogs and owner in the waiting area.. and the Vet did thid to me :(
