Thursday, August 14, 2014

Office Lobby Edition

Date Happened : 14 August 2014

Office lobby edition :

Harroo!!! long time no see ( in this blog only) !! 

So this case just happened today , was at client's office lobby and waiting the client. Then there is a mother with baby sat next to me at the sofa, they baby is cute / adorable and she did wanna have some interaction with me .. and suddenly she screamed , and the mother said :

Mother : dont shout!! you are scaring of JIE JIE! ( which is me) 

and the mother said : Sorry ya miss.. my baby is noisy ....

Me : ah..... ....  im not JIE JIE  or MISS

Mother : wah ... why your voice like that one ? ( she just walked a way) 

Hallo!!! i have no problem la .. just u treated me as a girl only ma :(

Are you serious????
