Friday, April 1, 2016

Lift Edition

Date Happened : 31 march 2016

Hallo ! Long time no see ! Hope you all are well ya .. ( i talked to formal wan mer?)

okok .... as u all know , one day i still having my shoulder length hair, gender mixed up cases will still happened. So no surprised la... today this case happened in the lift ( my condo lift) and yes, the venue is one of the famous place to happened.

Like this lor :

As usual , in the lift ( going home ), the  elevator stopped half way , and a family came in :)

So it was my neighbor with 2 kids :

Neighbor : Hi !

Me : Hi ! :) How are you ?

Neighbor : Good , call Gor Gor ! ( it's cantonese / Mandarin ,  a respect terms to address a younger  man )

One of the boy : Girl Girl!

Neighbor : wei ! not girl girl is Gor Gor!!!

One of the boy : Girl Girl !! hehehehehe  Hahahahahaha

Neighbor : Not Girl is gor gor , gor gor is a boy like u !

One of the boy : heheeh Girl Girl , Girl Girl long hair ! ( pointing at me )

Me : its okay ... i'm used to it ( very super duper macho sound)

One of the boy : ........ ( gave me a shocking stonned face )

- The End - 

Have a great weekend guys!
