Friday, November 2, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 2)

Episode 2:

Allright , herewith Episode 2 .... if you guys think this episode already in Hong Kong?? wrong already luuu... because there is still 1 more case that happened before i reached Hong Kong....

So after the toilet case in premier lounge... of course la damn bengang ( bengang means angry or hot tempered - its a Malay word ).. have to go to the platform of my flight...

Reached there... and we still have to do a final security check before enter the boarding hall.. as usual la.... when i passed thru the sensor sure trigger wan .. most of the guys will got it due to the belt....

To be nice to the security guard .. i just go infront of the security guard and lifted up my hand for him to check my body again ( i know sounds abit wrong when i said checked my BODY, but i really dont know how to describe already la)

The male guard just told her female guard to check me .... so after she checked me .... i just said " thank you " in a deeply manly low tone voice to her  ... and she got shocked ...

Female guard : Awak lelaki?? ( you're a GUY?)

Me : yealar! ( ABUDEN?) 

Female guard : Bang ! dia la lelaki ! ( bro .. he is a GUY)

Me : yeah ... and i donno y ur colleague still tell you im a girl...

Male Guard : dia memang tengok macam perempuan la.. ( He/she  really look like a girl la)

so they laughed again ... so i also have to entertain them wan right ... so i do laughed with them also.

Houyeh!! Female guard checked my body !! feels good!

Episode 3 coming!!

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