Friday, November 16, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 6)

Episode 6:

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Epi 3 :

Epi 4:

Epi 5 :

So after the not so friendly waiter incident , i just left the restaurant ... so i continue to shop around , then when i was walking on the street .. i saw a 24hr supermarket , no joking la....its not those convenient shop or 7-11 .. its really a supermarket.

Usually i will go to oversea supermarket when im free, because want to know what is the different between the countries .... so just went in ... and something caught my attention which is their candy sections... alot interesting candies there... and i saw a Hello Kitty soft candy ....  ohh okay guys .. need to clarify abit here... im not a Hello Kitty fans.... dont forget im a real MAN.... i took it because my girlfriend likes Hello Kitty stuffs... so i took it and walked around to see any new stuffs around ..
This is the Hello Kitty soft Candy i bought for my girlfriend...

So when im still exploring in the supermarket a girl came to me and asked me :

Girl : 小姐!( means MISS in Cantonese and mandarin) , where you get this Hello Kitty .. so cute !! You got taste ! I LIKED!

Me : erm.... i took it from the candy section .... by the way im not MISS.

Girl : nope.... it suits u MISS... thank you!

She just left happily like this .... me ler??? speechless la of course .. explained so much still called me MISS.

Episode 7 on the way!

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