Tuesday, November 20, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 7)

Episode 7:

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Epi 3:

Epi 4:

Epi 5 :

Epi 6 :

Fuiyor... terror this international edition have much episodes then the previous 2 international edition.

Woke up in the morning ...  ready to go to work , but when i opened my hotel room door, saw the room service aunty , she greeted me :

Aunty : Good morning MISS!

Me : Morning (lazy to explain)

Aunty : oh MISS i will place the sanitary pad on your toilet later ..

Me : why you need to place sanitary pad  in my toilet?

Aunty : because this is our hotel policy that we have to place female sanitary pad for female cutomer.

Me : aunty ... dont i look like a MAN? and i  dont sound like a women also right?

Aunty : nevermind , i will just place it in your toilet ...

She just ignore me like this .....

So far nothing happeend in the office - LUCKILY :D after work want to shop around in the city ...

And i saw a shop that sell the shoe i wanted ... so i went in the shop and wanna try ... so the shop owner came to me :

Me : Hi , can i have size 8 please?

Shop owner : aiyor... MISS , the shoe you are trying is a Male shoe.... female this side ... come over ...

Me : hahahahah .. nono .... im a MAN , and im trying the right shoe .... please let me try size 8 can?

Shop owner : aiyor...... im so sorry ..... but u really look like a girl....  let me go get you the size you want.

Me : Thank you ...

Shop owner : Erm.. sir.... the size you want dont have .... do you want to try the female size... its the same design with the Men's shoe....

Me : ermmmm ahh .... okay .... can try .... ( so once i tried it .. it really fits well)

Shop owner : ah harr... u really suit to be a girl .. u see you can wear female shoe.. and it fits u !

Me : hahahha ( actually i wanna sound up )  , its okay .. i dont think i will  take it . thanks anyway !

so i just returned the female shoe to the owner and left the shop :(
painful experience

Its not really a good expeienced u know... :(

Stay tune for grand finale!!!

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