Wednesday, November 14, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 5)

Episode 5 :

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Epi 3:

Epi 4:

So after working hours, i can have my own leisure free time to explore HONG KONG CITY! Ouuyeh~~

So I purposely wanted to try their MTR , their underground train . And i PURPOSELY  took the train during peak hours.... seriously ... not fun at all.. because it was so crowded  that every body have to squeeze in the train when the train door open. And when i was in the train .... it was so scary that every that every one is so near to each other.... there was a moment that when the train start moving ... i nearly kissed the girl next to me..... im sure you all will said " KISS la"  , but hor .. we all still also have to choose who to kiss wan mar... hoiyor!!!  its a aunty .... i cannot simply kiss aunty wei ... if a pretty girl .... ahhahahahaa , i dowan to elaborate ... ( damn i sound like pervert )

HK still a shopping heaven that you can get alot good deals and buys ... it a great place to shop ... so after i shopped ... leg also tired .... and hungry already .... so just went in one of the  local restaurant...

The waitress located me a place .. its actually shared table with others.. i realized HK alot  people eat alone.... and its normal in HK . So i settled down my self and ordered my food....

I order a set dinner ... so some of the staff started to send the food to me .... then suddenly a waiter came to me and said :

waiter : MISS your piggy bun ... ( it's actually a butter bun) - 猪仔包
This is the piggy bun for Hong Kong ....

Me : erm.. i think you sent wrongly ... i didn't order butter bun ...

waiter : yes you did .... the order form said MISS u ordered this set got butter bun.

Me :  ohh okay ... but they way .. im not MISS ...

waiter : never mind .. it dosent matter .....

He just walked away .... he even didn't apologized to me wei .... oii!!!

Stay tune for Episode 6 ..

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