Tuesday, November 6, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 3)

Episode 3 :

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Hehehehe ... okok.... at last now the cases started in Hong Kong already .... so  the whole flight was peaceful.... no cases at all .... but kinda tired already .... by the time i reached my hotel already around 11pm plus ... its late .... so i checked in the hotel and the hotel staff greeted me with :

Hotel Staff : Good evening MISS! welcome to Kapok Hotel!  ( please don't ask me why the hotel name KAPOK.. i know its abit weird)

Me : hi... good evening ( too lazy to explain .. due to the tiredness of the flight journey)

Hotel Staff : MISS can i have your passport for verification? ( still didn't realized im a MAN)

Me : here you go ( with slight deeply manly macho deep voice)

Hotel Staff : MISS .. you not feeling well? are you having soar throat?

Me : enough of calling me MISS... im a MAN and you can see it from my passport .

Hotel Stuff : ohh my .. im so sorry about that !! I DIDN'T REALIZED YOU ARE A MAN  ..

Me : is it soooo hard to REALIZE im a MAN?

Hotel staff : im so sorry ..

Me : its okay .. it happens always ...

Checked in my room .... felt abit hungry .... wanna get some food ... so went  down to the lobby ... saw the hotel staff .. dowan to ask her .... later i vomit blood again .... so i asked the guard ...

Me : Hi Sir where is the nearest coffee shop or restaurant?

Guard : You can just use the overhead bridge to cross over , there are some restaurants there .

Me : thanks mate :D

Guard : you are most welcome MISS :D

Me :   :(

Just too lazy to explain or argue again ....

Episode 4 on the way ...

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