Tuesday, February 5, 2013

International Edition - HK trip part 2 - Episode 2

International Edition - HK trip part 2

Episode 2 :

Okay guys ..... as my usual  style... if you missed out Episode 1 , here you go :

Allright .... lets continue.... so after the checked in case... i still have around 2 hours before my plane depart ... so i just went to the KLIA premier lounge ... and seriously ....  their service attitude was bad wei.... come on la KLIA management .... ain't  premier lounge's service should be good? And this is how they provided their service to me ...

Once i settle down in the lounge , i just walked over to the bartender to ask what is the WiFi password :

Me : Hi , may i know what is the WiFi password?

The waiter just dont want to talk to me nicely .. he just pointed the board and said "CANT YOU SEE THIS?" ( its a board that stated the wifi password)

Basket!!!! i dont think this type of service a acceptable lor!! Then i sounded up ..

Me : Hi SIR.... cant you guys just smile or slightly friendly when you  talked to me? i don't think your attitude is suitable to wok here... im serious...

The staff that i complaint talk to his colleague now :

Staff A : bro ... this LADY want to complain us not friendly .

Me : hallo... i dont think you not only have attitude problem.... i think you are blind too... IM A MAN obviously... cant you see properly??

And the 2 staff just stoned there.....and they keep quiet

THIS TIME I WIN!!!!! and they 2 deserve my complain....sucker!!!

Stay tune for episode 3

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