Wednesday, February 20, 2013

International Edition - HK trip part 2 - Episode 5

International Edition - HK trip part 2

Episode 5:

Epi 1:
Epi 2:
Epi 3:
Epi 4:

So after the so call "molest" case...there are no major cases happened .... so after 1 day later... as usual i went to one of the cafe ... so i have to wait for the front counter waiter to serve me....

When i was at the entrance ...

Waiter at entrance : Hallo MISS ... welcome ... how many person?( dman polite lor.. but wrong address)

Me : Hi.... just me 1 person (  lazy to use deep tone macho voice .. hungry maa)

Waiter at the entrance : Faster clean the table la!! this FEMALE customer (Me) is waiting woi!!! ( Damn 9 rude to his colleague)

Waiter at the entrance : Hi MISS.... table is ready please go in ( dman polite again)

Me : Thank you ... ( with deeper tone ... cannot tahan jor)

Waiter inside : Hi MISS , herewith the menu...

Me : thanks... IM a MAN actually .... please dont call me MISS..

Waiter inside : WOI!!!!!!  this customer is a guys la!! not a girl....( shouted at his colleague at the entrance)

Waiter at the entrance : WHATEVER LAR!!!  YOU donno how to see wan arr? use your eye laaa (shouted back to his colleague inside)

Me : You two really blind man ..... you 2 no eyes wan ..

And he just ignored me... 

blind...... toltally blind....
Stay tune for finale episode!!

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