Saturday, February 9, 2013

International Edition - HK trip part 2 - Episode 3

International Edition - HK trip part 2

Episode 3:

Okay guys .... 1st of all... today is Chinese New Year Eve!! so i have to wish you all GONG HEI FATT CHOI!!!!.. Huat ahhh!!! 

And why im updating  my blog this time??? Because i just done my reunion family dinner... and to be honest .. at this time.. im damn free lor....  and im sure ... some of you guys also slacking in front of your laptop or smartphones/ tablets .... so i think its a good time to entertain all of you who are boring!!

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Okay .. lets continue with the episodes.. so it was a peaceful flight during in the flight , until i reached HK  , and after i checked in my hotel.... i took the MTR ( Mass transit railways) to Mong Kok .... i love to go to Mong Kok to get my tennisgear .. as this place is famous for cheap sports shoes! its really about 30- 40% off from the price in Malaysia... BUT!!! before that ... im hungry ... so i need to grab some food .. and i i just went in a local cafe to have my dinner...
This is Mong Kok famous street :)

HK is so crowded that you have to share table with others if you are alone ...  so i was  sharing a table with a couple..... and i ordered a cold drink .... and due to i drank my cold water too fast ... and i had a BRAIN FREEZE and my tears came out ......( and of course my face shows that im suffering laaa)

So the couple sitting infront of me ....gave me tissue paper and said :

Couple : MISS .... are you ok? .. why you cry??

Me : im okay ... dont worry ...

Couple: . you seems very pain ... is it period pain? You cannot drink cold water during period ..

Me : nono .... im a MAN .. i don't  have period ..... ( deng!! already talked to them ... they still thought im a girl)

Couple : whooopps .... im sorry ... i really thought you are a girl since you sat down....

Me : hahahaha .. dont worry ... i just got brain freeze ..

OMFG .... i really speechless lor... cannot scold them ... since they are so nice... but in THE WRONG WAY...

this time i cannot scold them.. because they are nice couple :(

Stay tune for Episode 4 guys!!! enjoy your Chinese new year!!! !!

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