Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ikea Edition

Date Happened :

Ikea Edition :

Hehehehe i think this is the first Ikea Edition i ever had :D new record wei!

I bought an item from Ikea last night .... but i found out that the item could not fit into the place i plan to fit ....and no choice to return the item lor... so as some of u guys know we have to take number and que for our turn ...  "ding dong" when was my turned i walked to the counter...

Me : Hie 

Ikea Staff : Hallo... how can i help u ?

Me : i would like to returned this item due to wrong measurement ...

Ikea staff : Miss.. is this your real hair?

Me : yeah .. obviously .... y? (i have to pulled and flip my head  to show her my hair is real man ..)
        Like this 

Ikea staff : so this is not a wick?

Me : nonono..... its real its real not a wick at all....

Ikea staff : and u went for re-bonding ur hair? it looks really straight....

Me : Nooooo.... its nature straight ... and its real ....

Ikea staff : hahahhaa.. okok i trust u .. nice hair u have MISS...

Me : Noooooooooo ... im a guy lar.....

Vomit blood wei ....

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