Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Credit card sales edition

Date Happened : 23 July 2013

Credit card sales edition :

This is a very fresh case!! because just happened yesterday ... venue is 1 Utama ( For international readers .. 1 Utama is a residential hugh shopping mall in Malaysia ) ..

As usual ....  in the shopping mall.. and walked passed one of the Maybank booth ... and one of the credit card sales man came to me ...

Salesman : MISS!!! Credit card ... very good one !! you apply one time and you will get 2 cards!

Me : huh..... are you sure is good ? ( im in the mood of challenging him )

Salesman : Of course MISS... you see you can use both cards and here are the benefits and free for life with no annual fee....

Me : How can I TRUST YOU That , you can't even differentiate a very simple gender like me .... do you know im a guy .... and im not a miss.... ( started to lesson the salesman)

Salesman : errr.... im sorry MISS .... nono sorry SIR...

Me : I think you should learn how to see and look clearly to differentiate your customer gender first  than only you come back to talk to me ok? ( lesson kao kao )

Salesman : ............... ( he got owned terribly) 

This is how i feel at the moment..

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