Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Traffic Jam Edition

Date Happened : 16 July 2013

Traffic Jam Edition :

Okok.... this is a fresh case... which just happened yesterday ...this jam is not an usual traffic jam ... is those sudden police block your way and cause jam .. why?? because they have to let those highly respected royal family people to drive smoothly and reach their destination without jam :) .. to international readers... this is our Malaysia road culture :) we always have to give way to our royal families and politic leader  on the road.... sad huh??

okay .. back to topic.... since i already stucked in the jam ... and the driver next to me was driving a convertible car ( Mazda MX5) ... and i saw him looked at  me and he looks like wann talked to me... so i just winded down my window and we talked :

Driver next to my car : why so jam ahh?

Me : I think is the royal families , we need to give way...

Driver next to my car : how can like that???? royal family big all ahh ( tai sai  in Cantonese)

Me : hahahaha usual la...what to do ?

Then the traffic went smooth already ...

Driver next to my car : nice talking to you MISS!! you have NICE HAIR :)

Me : ..... ( STONED)



  1. well, at least you still have a car to drive~ better than me take public transport~ >.<

  2. Hi Mr. Lonely ,

    Dont worry .. u still young :) im an old man .... and my work require a car ... because i need to drive around to meet my client , so to own a car is a must for my job :)

    U will own your car one day :)

