Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ikea Edition

Date Happened :

Ikea Edition :

Hehehehe i think this is the first Ikea Edition i ever had :D new record wei!

I bought an item from Ikea last night .... but i found out that the item could not fit into the place i plan to fit ....and no choice to return the item lor... so as some of u guys know we have to take number and que for our turn ...  "ding dong" when was my turned i walked to the counter...

Me : Hie 

Ikea Staff : Hallo... how can i help u ?

Me : i would like to returned this item due to wrong measurement ...

Ikea staff : Miss.. is this your real hair?

Me : yeah .. obviously .... y? (i have to pulled and flip my head  to show her my hair is real man ..)
        Like this 

Ikea staff : so this is not a wick?

Me : nonono..... its real its real not a wick at all....

Ikea staff : and u went for re-bonding ur hair? it looks really straight....

Me : Nooooo.... its nature straight ... and its real ....

Ikea staff : hahahhaa.. okok i trust u .. nice hair u have MISS...

Me : Noooooooooo ... im a guy lar.....

Vomit blood wei ....

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

International Edition - Australia Trip (Episode 5) - Grand Finale

Date Happened :  From 8 August  - 20 August 2013


Episode 5 (Grand Finale):

And again  for the last reminder :) Fpr people who missed out the previous episodes :

Episode 1- http://yitungliw.blogspot.com/2013/08/international-edition-australia-trip.html

Episode 2 - http://yitungliw.blogspot.com/2013/08/international-edition-australia-trip_30.html

Episode 3 - http://yitungliw.blogspot.com/2013/09/international-edition-australia-trip.html

Episode 4 - http://yitungliw.blogspot.com/2013/09/international-edition-australia-trip_9.html

Okay guys!!! I'm very sorry for the very very very late  episodes which is the Grand Finale !! YAY!!!!!! ( syok sendiri pulak - means self entertained)

Okay the ... as u guys read all the episodes, i had a wonderful trip during my Aussie trip ....

So this last case that happened at the Melbourne international airport.... and im famous for tangki full ( small bladder) .. so i have to go toilet very often wan lor..

As usual .. i went to toilet ... and when m about to enter the toilet ( Male toilet la of course!) , there was a small girl at the entrance.. and she saw me entering male toilet and she sounded at me :

Small girl : Hallo ...... this is the toilet ... dont go to the men's toilet .. come here :)

Me : nono ... i'm a Man ..

Small girl : nooo... dont be shy ... come come .. you belongs here ( female toilet) - sei lor... my voice so macho she also think im a girl....

Me : nooo... im a man with long hair.... ( feel dman good when i said this to her)

Small girl : MOM!!!!! 

Me faster go in the toilet .. if not more sad case will happend ...


Okay guys .. this edition already finished, but it doesn't mean im not updating any blog ok? I promised, there are many cases that i have not post in this blog yet :) as long as u guys keep reading this blog .. i promise!!! more to come :)
