Thursday, August 14, 2014

Office Lobby Edition

Date Happened : 14 August 2014

Office lobby edition :

Harroo!!! long time no see ( in this blog only) !! 

So this case just happened today , was at client's office lobby and waiting the client. Then there is a mother with baby sat next to me at the sofa, they baby is cute / adorable and she did wanna have some interaction with me .. and suddenly she screamed , and the mother said :

Mother : dont shout!! you are scaring of JIE JIE! ( which is me) 

and the mother said : Sorry ya miss.. my baby is noisy ....

Me : ah..... ....  im not JIE JIE  or MISS

Mother : wah ... why your voice like that one ? ( she just walked a way) 

Hallo!!! i have no problem la .. just u treated me as a girl only ma :(

Are you serious????

Thursday, June 5, 2014

LinkedIn Edition

Date Happened : 4 June 2014

LinkedIn  Edition ;

Hallo Guys !!  Long time no see!!!! .. ehh .. really long time to be honest ... Paiseh la har ... ( Paiseh = feeling guilty to say sorry ) 

Okay ... just to clarify .. this blog is not dead yet har ... still alive wan 

okay ... cut short of my excuses .. and rubbish .. herewith the the story ...

Few days ago .. a guy added me in LinkedIn and i accepted his invitation lor... and after few days .. he sent me a message :

You say lah .... die or not ???

Now you tell me what to do ???

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Team Building Edition - China

Date Happened 24 January 2014

Team Building Edition - China:

Haaaaa.. this time special already .... i have not post any team building cases. So this case is like this.. I went to hang Zhou China for my company annual it was kinda happy at first lor...

And during the 2nd day of the team building was at a very beautiful nice scenery tourist attraction place in HangZhou.... and kinda shocked that their team building organizer was like ARMY COMMANDO  style ... nearly forgot China still a communist country ... die...

So at first the organizer aka COMMANDO!! shouted at all of us :

COMMANDO : Everybody quiet!!! i need you all to line up!! Girls in front and guys behind!!

So of course la i stood befind ma... coz im a real man!!! And the COMMANDO saw me and shouted at me :


So I cannot tahan jor ( tahan jor = cannt stand it anymore) 

Me : YOU!!! ( pointed at him ) IM A GUY!! AND I BELONGS TO THIS LINE !! ARE YOU BLIND ??? AND CAN YOU SEE PROPERLY ??? ( in a very deeply manly macho super deep tone voice) 

COMMANDO : GULP!!! (and he just kept quiet .. and walked away )

Hallo!!! at least la say sorry .....bugger .....

And all my regional colleagues heard that and laughed ..... ( malu nyeeeeeee) [Malu= shame]

Never ever let me heard that again!!! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

MY EG Edition

Date Happened : 23 January 2013

MY EG Edition :

Okay ... time to update post again :) thsi time kena in MY EG , for foreign readers.. MYEG is actually a government own company that you can renew your car insurance, roadtax and even pay your traffic summon - which i hate the most -_-.. so this office actually located in a high end business building .. so before we enter the office, we have to register at the lobby security , and we are require to pass them our driving license for record  for exchange t get a visitor pass :) and yeah i have to pass them my driving license to proceed.

Everything was smoothly done .. went out MY EG happily, and have to go back to the security counter to get back my driving license... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................something happened.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 
The guard gave me back my driving license... and when i looked at it, FULAMAK!!!!!!!!! its not my license, its a female (stranger) female license....
My face when he gave me a female driving license..

Then of course i told the security :

Me : hello.. this is not my license.. can you please return mine back to me ?

Security : nono .. its yours... ( summore very sure)

Me : Hello!! see properly ... this license is a girl .. and IM A MEN!!! real MEN! understand?

Security : But you got long hair ... you are a girl...

Me : who said MEN cannot have long hair??

Then he rechecked the drawer and returned my actual license... ~!@#$%^&*

who said guy cannot have long hair???

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wedding Dinner Edition

Date happened : 15 January 2014

Wedding Dinner Edition : 

Hola!!! Long time no see guys !! its been a while ya.. okay ... so im back ! ( Yes again) .... and this time the mixed up case happened in a wedding dinner ... to be exact .. STILL IN THE TOILET .. the famous venue for my cases  :(

Okay it was like this ... as alot of you guys know .. i have small tangki ( water tank aka bladder) , hor!! if you dont know this .. means you are not my regular readers or new readers .. welcome welcome :) 

So as usual .. went to the toilet to pee.. and to avoid mixed up case happened , i pee at the urinals to show that im a MAN ... ( pitty right? im a actual man , but i still have to show peoples im a MAN) , basket ....

And the crisis came , a small boy came in and saw me :

Small Boy : Daddy!!!!!!!!! NOW I REALISED GIRL CAN STAND UP TO PEE One !! ( freaking loud ok!!)

Me : .................................... ( vomiting blood) 

Daddy : Shhhhhhhhhh .... dont so loud....

Me : Hallo!! I'm .. im a guy ok!! ( beh tahan already - means cannot stand it anymore) 

Then the father felt bad and say sorry ... but the small boy looks shocked ....

Au Tin ( Cantonese) ah ... means vomit blood ~~~

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Breakfast Edition

Date Happened : 7 November 2013

Breakfast Edition :

Dear all... GONG HEI FATT CHOI!!!.. i wish you all have a great and prosperity new year yaahhhhh!!!

Okay !! Chinese new year never stop  gender mixed up cases happened ... of course la... as long as my hair is STILL LONG ...

This case actually happened end  last year ... me and my GF went to a cafe for breakkie :)  

The food are nice :D and the usual ... finished  the breakkie asked for bill :

Me : Bill please :)

Waiter : Yes Madam!

Me :....

Waiter : Madam .. herewith your bill ...

Me : ahh ... actually im a guy 

Waiter : opps .. sorry Madam ... 

Me : Hallo!!!

okay done ... and when we stepping out the cafe ...

Boss : Thank you LADIES !! See you again !!

Me vomit blood....

enough!! stop calling me Madam and MISS!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Petrol Station Edition

Date Happened : 23 September 2013

Petrol Station Edition :

Due to our busy tight schedule life nowadays .. im sure  most of you all do experienced, NO TIME TO TAKE LUNCH ... so when this happened to me .. usually i will drop by petrol station to get some sandwiches :) 

So when i stepped in the petrol station store like a DIVA ( nono sorry sorry .. like a MAN) .. once i got my sandwiches, proceed to the payment counter .. and the cashier actually greeted me :

Cashier : Good  afternoon MADAM!!!

Me : Hallo!! ( in super duper deep macho tone muscular manly tone) 

Cashier : My god .... you are a guy .... ... im so sorry .... ( need to realized wan mer) 

Me : Its okay ... it happened always worries :(

Cashier : But you have a nice hair i must say !!  your hair is even nicer than some of the girls....

Me : ahhhhh..... errrr...... thanks for the compliment .. but its in the wrong way  -_-

But this is not the compliment i want :( sob sob....

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Vet Edition

Date Happened :31 Dec 2013

Vet Edition :

wooohooo.. this is the 1st post in 2014!! Happy new Year guys!!! My cases still happened as usual .. evrn on new year eve ... fulamak betul .... and this time is the first time happened at Vet .... as some of you guys know that i have a dog name Bailey .... pretty naughty we have to send her ( yes my dog is a female) to Vet for regular check up ... 

When me and my dog arrived the vet ... as usual .. have to give the owner name and the dog's name ... and in the record.... my GF was the one who filled in the details .. so the owner name is my Gf's name ...

Basket ... waited for 2 hours to be my turn .... when the doctor called my name ...

Vet : Bailey  and the owner  Mei Foong(My Gf's name)!

Me : Okay ! here...

Nurse : nono he is not Mei Foong! Mei Foong is a girl ..

Vet : (Pointed at me) .. she is a girl what!! Obviously ...

Me : Harro!!! I'm a guy lahhhhh... Mei Foong is my Gf's name 

Vet : hahahaha!!! im sorry ... but very funny lah u .... okok  soon will be your turn ...

Damn malu wei .... there were more then 15 dogs and owner in the waiting area.. and the Vet did thid to me :(
