Friday, March 7, 2014

MY EG Edition

Date Happened : 23 January 2013

MY EG Edition :

Okay ... time to update post again :) thsi time kena in MY EG , for foreign readers.. MYEG is actually a government own company that you can renew your car insurance, roadtax and even pay your traffic summon - which i hate the most -_-.. so this office actually located in a high end business building .. so before we enter the office, we have to register at the lobby security , and we are require to pass them our driving license for record  for exchange t get a visitor pass :) and yeah i have to pass them my driving license to proceed.

Everything was smoothly done .. went out MY EG happily, and have to go back to the security counter to get back my driving license... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................something happened.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 
The guard gave me back my driving license... and when i looked at it, FULAMAK!!!!!!!!! its not my license, its a female (stranger) female license....
My face when he gave me a female driving license..

Then of course i told the security :

Me : hello.. this is not my license.. can you please return mine back to me ?

Security : nono .. its yours... ( summore very sure)

Me : Hello!! see properly ... this license is a girl .. and IM A MEN!!! real MEN! understand?

Security : But you got long hair ... you are a girl...

Me : who said MEN cannot have long hair??

Then he rechecked the drawer and returned my actual license... ~!@#$%^&*

who said guy cannot have long hair???

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