Wednesday, August 22, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Finale Episode [total of 6 episodes])

Finale Episode :

Hooray !! its a  the FINALE of the series!!!! 

And this is the procedure again ... if you missed out all the episode , here you go :

hehehe.... here comes the Finale....

After i got insulted MAX of coming out from female toilet ..... so i have to que up for the final security check before i entered the duty free zone....

And it was kinda strange that they separated gender in 2 lanes.... 1 lane is for female and another lane is for Male... and IM A MEN .. obviously i need to que up at the MEN's lane....

But it was awkward that the male crowd were looking at me like im an ALIEN!!! and i knew what happened  already ..... but i still have to stand at the male's lane ....

There were 2 guards keep looking at me.... and they came over to talk to me :

Guard: Madam, this is Men's lane, can you please proceed to female lane over there?

Me : Sir.... this is kinda awkward..... but im a MEN.... real MEN.... and its not right for me to que up at the female lane ( i would like to go to female lane wei... coz shorter que , and i can see the hot female security guard checking every female's body by touching.. woohooo!! )

Guard : Madam..... please ... this is not funny .. im serious ( he looked very fierce)

Me : SIR... this is my passport.... and it stated IM A MALE FOR THE can i que up in this lane  SIR? ( showed him my passport)

Guard : im sorry .... please forgive me....

Me : No worries ...

So i entered the duty free zone with this dramatic scene that alot of passengers looking at me....damn malu ( embarrass) wei ...

And when im on the flight .... one of the stewardess came to me and gave me a pillow set and said :

Stewardess  : Hi Madam .... welcome to Malaysia Airlines, and this is a pillow set for female :D

Me : Thank you ! ( dont want to explain  already ... coz no blood to vomit anymore)


So guys , I hope you all enjoy the whole Incredible India series.... after i spoken to my India colleague about my incident... they told me the reason why i always got mistaken as a girl :

1) Indian guy hair are usually curly ...and mine is extremely straight 
2) Indian guy usually have short hair... and mine is silky smooth long hair...
3) My skin is slightly fairer than usual asian  ( this makes me look like a girl)
4) Im not tall.... so i look like a girl in overall with my long hair) ... means not macho enough laaaaa

seriously....... this was my "gender mixed up cases" for my incredible India trip....very painful wei....

Thank you very much for the support for this India series :D

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