Wednesday, January 30, 2013

International Edition - HK trip part 2 - Episode 1

Date Happened : 13 - 18 Jan 2013

Episode 1:

Hehehe... okay guys .. i know some of you guys did asked me.... this time i went to HK got case arr???? got....and the cases happened  for this trip not bad also.... and for those who dont like International Edition ... please bear with me abit har... because this edition will take about 2 weeks ...

Okay ... lets start now !! as usual ... it was a working trip .... reached airport and as usual... went to my airline platform to check in my luggage.... when was my turn ....

Airline staff : Good morning MISS .. welcome to Cathay Pacific airlines....

Me : Morning :)  here you go with my documents ( already know something wrong )

Me : Can i put my luggage onto the rail? 

Airline staff : wow .. your luggage is light ... you are not like those usual women :)

Me : err.... 1st im not a women .. secondly ... u r holding my passport and it is obvious that im a MEN .. a real MAN ....  ( in a deep tone macho voice)

Airline staff : ohhhh so sorry    .... i didn't realized that MISS .. nono i mean SIR ...

Me : is it that hard to REALIZED that im a MEN???

Airline staff  : Im sorry :(

haiyor.... really so hard to REALIZED im a guy??? harr??

Stay tune for episode 2..

Friday, January 25, 2013

Security Guard Edition

Date happened : 21 Jan 2013

Security guard edition :

Okay guys .... 2 days ago was my Birthday!!! buahahaha..... and i have to thank all the birthday wishes !! thank you very much for flooding my FB and whatsapp . And i  have to apologized that i have not been updating my blog for the past 2 weeks... and now im back !!

Okay this case actually happened on Monday .... i went to Cyberjaya ( for foreign readers- Cyberjaya is the silicon valley of Malaysia)  for meeting.. and due to this meeting supposingly should be 2 weeks ago .. but my client went on MC in sudden .. so it made me travel all the way to Cyberjaya for nothing ...

And because of this ... i went there again on Monday... and the security guard do recognized me .. when i registering at the guard house :

Guard A : Hallo  Amoi .. you again arr?

Me : yeala.... last time client MC .. so i come again for meeting lor...

Guard A : hahahaha.. pitty u la ah moi ... so today confirm your client not MC ?

Me : very confirm .. called her just now and she said is ON .. dont worry ( with deeply manly macho deep tone voice)

Guard A : ahahahaha good... you know where to park right?

Me : yeah ( i pointed to the carpark)

Guard B : nono MISS.... you can park at the privilege FEMALE PARKING  ....

Me : .............. ( vomiting blood)

Me : no need... im a MAN bro....

Guard A & B : are you serious?

Me : please look at my IC , it stated there "lelaki"

Guard A & B :  opps.... im sorry ....

Me : ITS OKAY ( even more deeply lower toner macho voice)

Look lah my IC properly next time before calling me ah moi...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Car park Edition

Date Happened : 31 March 2011

Carpark Edition :

wooo.. this case actually happened in 2011, so its already for some time ..

I went for a meeting ... and the venue of the client's office   don't have a visitor parking , so i have to park at the public car park next o the building .. so after my meeting i walked towards the public carpark to get my car...

and of course.... most of the Malaysian know that , we have to pay to the carpark guy ( he is the casher, the guard , the whatever la)... so i just paid him the amount ...and i requested  a receipt from him... and yes he did gave me the receipt.... after that he raised up his hand ( the hand shake posture )... and i thought he was very friendly la.....and of course i shake his hand..... and  here it goes : 

Carpark guy : Thank you ah moi!( ah moi means MISS)

Me : huh??.... im not ah moi .. 

Carpark guy :nono no... you are AH MOI!!!

Me : ehhh .. im not ah moi .. and im a MAN ( with deep tone macho whatever voice to proof im a man)

Carpark Guy:  .... You still Ah Moi! ( and he laughed scarily)
dman humsap lor.. his face...

And i faster walked to my car and drove away ... and when i exit the car park . he summore said : bye bye ah moi!

u freaking uncle.....  this is toltally wrong ... salah salah!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Lift Edition

Date happened : 3 Jan 2013

Lift Edition :

Happy New year guys!!! this is the 1st post of 2013.. kekekeke...

Allright , this case actually happened in my residential lift . when im leaving my house and got in the lift , i heard some one shouted : WAIT!!!

So i holded on the lift door and wait for the person to come in .. ohhh its my neighbor ( a small boy ) with his bicycle .

Small Boy : Morning Jie Jie!

Me : Morning ( deng!! his been my neighbor for years and he called me JIE JIE???)

Small Boy : Jie Jie why you so early today?

Me : because i have a meeting to attend ...

Small Boy : JIE JIE !! why i never see you wear skirt?

Me : Im a MAN! and i dont wear i look like a girl for you?? ( cannot tahan anymore)

Small Boy : But you look like a girl ma... ( basket summore counter me back)

Small Boy : Jie Jie BYE BYE! ( he just left to the playground happily)

Me : .........

totally speechless....
