Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Car park Edition

Date Happened : 31 March 2011

Carpark Edition :

wooo.. this case actually happened in 2011, so its already for some time ..

I went for a meeting ... and the venue of the client's office   don't have a visitor parking , so i have to park at the public car park next o the building .. so after my meeting i walked towards the public carpark to get my car...

and of course.... most of the Malaysian know that , we have to pay to the carpark guy ( he is the casher, the guard , the whatever la)... so i just paid him the amount ...and i requested  a receipt from him... and yes he did gave me the receipt.... after that he raised up his hand ( the hand shake posture )... and i thought he was very friendly la.....and of course i shake his hand..... and  here it goes : 

Carpark guy : Thank you ah moi!( ah moi means MISS)

Me : huh??.... im not ah moi .. 

Carpark guy :nono no... you are AH MOI!!!

Me : ehhh .. im not ah moi .. and im a MAN ( with deep tone macho whatever voice to proof im a man)

Carpark Guy:  .... You still Ah Moi! ( and he laughed scarily)
dman humsap lor.. his face...

And i faster walked to my car and drove away ... and when i exit the car park . he summore said : bye bye ah moi!

u freaking uncle.....  this is toltally wrong ... salah salah!!

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