Friday, June 29, 2012

Roadside Edition

Date Happened : 28 June 2012

Roadside Edition:

Just finished meeting and on my way home .. usually i will pass by few traffic lights before i reached home :)

1st traffic light  stopped , nothing to do , so just pull down the mirror on the sun visor , and realized i didn't shave my face nicely this morning. light turned green so i have to drive .

2nd traffic light stopped, still looking at the mirror, then there was a white Honda city next to me at the traffic light, there are few guys in the car keep looking at me. i don't care la... light turned green.. move on...

3rd traffic light , stopped... they white Honda city still next to me , and now they started to flirt with me , they winded down the car window and said :

"leng lui ( means pretty girl  in Cantonese) , no need see the mirror jor...  when you free go for drink with us?"

Basket!! ... traffic light also wanna flirt female driver, summore didn't see properly  im a guy or a girl simply flirt la...

So i took out my shaver in my car :D and shaved my face in front of them.... ( i do have a shaver in my car , just in case i forgot to shave on that day) 

This is to show them IM A MAN .... i SHAVED MY FACE!

They look shocked and and one of the guy shouted " FUCK!" and they winded up their window and drove away fastly when the traffic light turned green...
those guys faces 

Ah leng chai(S) next time la.. see properly before you approach me ok?

Monday, June 25, 2012

KFC Edition

Date Happened : 23 Feb 2011

KFC Edition

Okay guys , dont worry... i didn't get whacked by the staff in KFC ya.. :p

This case happened in KFC, went to the KFC at KLCC.  My colleague wanna had KFC for lunch. So we proceeded to KFC. Damn long que wei... no choice lor... have to line up to make our order..

When was our turn to order , the stuff greeted us ...

Staff : Selamat Datang MISS.. makan sini ? ( obviously talking to me , because my colleague is a guy with short hair)
(Welcome MISS, having here??)

My colleague : Buahahhahaa ( he cannot  tahan already)

Me : err.... cik... aku adalah lelaki , bukan MISS
(err.. MISS... im a MAN ...not MISS)

Staff: aiyor.....Im so sorry MISS....

Me : still MISS? ( my colleague still laughing)

Staff: Sorry sorry Sir..

Me : Its okay

Order done... so another staff served us the food....

Staff 2 : MISS , all your food is here, enjoy your meal :D ( damn friendly)

Me : ...... thank you .. (i dowan to repeat the whole process again....)

My colleague : wuahahahhaha... (still laughing)

My Colleague : Dia adalah lelaki , bukan MISS
(he is a MAN, not a MISS)

Staff 2 : im so sorry MISS.. ( again)

Me : ......

And my colleague had his  3 course meal happily  -_-

He really Finger Likin' Good!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Genting Edition - Casino

Date Happened : some where during Chinese new year 2012

Genting Edition : Casino

During CNY thsi year ( Chinese New Year)  alot people will go to Genting , and i actually went up to Genting on the 5th day of CNY, bloody hell... still caught in the jam in the middle of the hill...

Actually the purpose of going to Genting is to bring my nephew to the Doremon expo... to be honest , kinda disappointed la...

So after the expo , feel like going to have a walk at the casino with my gf.... i was wearing shorts that day.... so i know i cant enter the casino most likely .

But i told my gf that lets try :p When we reached the entrance of the Casino , im being nice and asked the guard :

Me : " Can i go in the casino since im wearing shorts?"

Guard : " yeah can :)"

So me and my gf went in the casino , and then there was a guy with shorts wanna entered the casino , but he was stopped by the guard ! and i saw that guy pointed at me and asked why i can go in casino with shorts?

Guard : " because SHE ( me) is a girl, only girl can enter with shorts"

Me: wooohooooo!!!

it's good to be mistaken to be a girl sometimes... buahahahahha!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lift Edition

Date Happened : 3 June 2012

Lift Edition :

Just finish my tennis and reached home.. in the lift... half way again the lift door opened.

A small Indian girl came in ... when she saw me she happily pointed at me and said "AUNTY!"

Then her mother said " Noooo!! he is not AUNTY ! call him UNCLE! ( this time i felt damn good because the mother can recognized im a MAN) buahahah!

But the small Indian girl hold her mother's leg and banged her head non stop.... 

Her mother said : "Im sorry .. my daughter cannot accept the fact that you are a MAN"

sad lar wei.... she cannot accept the fact....

Friday, June 15, 2012

Security Guard Edition

Date Happened : 22 May 2012

Security Guard Edition :

This case happened in Subang 1st office tower ( Subang 1st is a small business & leisure building located in Subang Jaya Malaysia).

Subang 1st building

Visited buddy at her office to collect my new hand-phone, so usually we have to register at the front counter before we proceed to the office. Gave them my driving licence and went up straight to the office.

Everything done came down , naturally i have to return the visitor pass and collect my driving licence right?

I actually took the wrong pass ( i didn't realized at all) and return to the guard.

Highlight  - when i passed them the visitor card.

Security A : (gave me back my driving licence ) , when i looked at it , its not mine ( of course not mine , because i gave them wrong visitor card)

Me : err... sorry this is not my driving licence..

Security B : you see la!! simply clip visitor driving licence, now mixed up already ! ( he was scolding the lady guard)

Security A : nolah!!you see properly , this driving licence is a girl photo , and its hers(pointing at me) same mahh.. u see the they look the same ..long hair ... no wrong....

Security B : really ahh??? yala... should be hers ( which is me) 

Me : nono .. .its not mine...look properly this driving licence its a girl.. not me.. im a guy ..

Security B : you lah.... simply clip  visitor's driving licence! ( blame security A), and they found my driving licence which clipped with another pass.

and i left the place, when i reached home... my buddy called and asked did i took her visitor pass, the n only i found out i actually took her pass. And i returned the pass to her next day.

But hor.... if i dont look properly the driving licence , then i mah take my buddies driving licence without notice??

Sorry to the security A being blamed and scolded by your head , but you also la... next time look properly the driving licence before you return... dosent mean i look like a girl then you gave me a girl's licence.. tsk tsk tsk ...

Miss security A , dont blame me ... because you didn't  see properly the photo before  you return to me...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Toilet Edition : Lowyat Plaza

Date Happened : 20 January 2011

Toilet Edition :

Time go get some IT gadgets, so i decided to go to Lowyat Plaza to see any latest gadget there.

For non Malaysian readers : Lowyat Plaza is a famous IT mall located in KL Malaysia, you can find plenty of IT stuffs there ya.
Low Yat plaza

Half way .. tangki full ( means need to pee) , naturally have to go to toilet right?

Bloody hell...  damn long que to toilet, summore need to pay RM1 , its not a clean toilet thou....

Allright when im queuing up to toilet,  once i entered the toilet main door, one of the  female cleaner shouted :

" WOI!!! ada AH MOI masuk tandas lelaki!"
( "WOi! got a girl entered men's room!")

Then i know its me already ... ehh damn loud okay .... all the guys were looking at me that time.... then i turned over and looked at her and told her :

"SAYA LELAKI" ( means im a man)

Then she laughed happily ..... then when i came out from the toilet the female cleaner summore said :

"Ini lah  AH MOI yang tadi aku cakap" to her friends
(this one la.. the girl that i was talking just now)

And all people around there looking at me again ...

Woi .... damn freaking embarrassed ok? i was like a TOILET SUPERSTAR for the moment... FML

Friday, June 8, 2012

Father's Day Edition

Okay guys, this post its not referring  to any gender mixed up case, its a post to my beloved father.

Daddy, hows things up there? This year is the 10 years that you are not with me... over this 10 years, alot of changes and things happened ..and im sure you will not use to what am i now:)

Allright, my father passed away since i was 18, it was a sudden that he didn't suffer any treatment or sick before he passed away .... i still remember i was with a group of college buddies at Taylor's college .. yum cha with them happily ... suddenly alot calls from father's friends and colleagues called me and asked me how am I?  i still told them im good and with happy tone of voice.

Until my sister called me .... she cried and told me daddy just passed away... at that time i cant accept it at all.. because if my daddy undergoing some treatment or sick ... i still can expect something....but he just passes away suddenly when he was sleeping in his car....before that he just told the driver that " im tired , i need to sleep" just like that? how can i accept it at that time right??

Its been 10 years.... there are alot changes sure if you are still here... there will be no Gender mixed up cases blog exist ... because you will NEVER EVER allow me to have long hair at all...

I was born like a girl since i was young ...


That time alot of  already aunties asked my mum " aiyorr... your daughter so cute" .. die la.. like that... 

And this is the photo of me and my father during my young days:
I just realized there are only 3 photos taken me and my father ... it was really hard to find a photo with him...

My daddy is very serious father... he never play or joke with me, as he was very very busy with his career, and because of that he sacrificed his time to spend time with me , as i was the youngest in the family , at that time he used to travel outstation alot....and that's the reason he is a distance father :) and because of all these reason .. im scared of him as well...

The only things he will asked me when he saw me are :
1) How tall are you in the class?
2) What is your ranking in the class and whole form?
3) you sitting in front or behind in the class? ( i still donno why he asked this question until today)

Boring right? really that's the few questions he always asked me ... no fun at all :(

Things i didn't fulfilled  my daddy are :
1) he wanted me to be an accountant , because he said accountant is metal bowl.. if a company shut down you are the last one who left the company as , an accountant need to count and announce company bankrupt...
- failed, when he passed away . i switched to marketing and advertising major....

2) Told me marketing no future..
- failed... im in advertising and marketing line for 6 yrs plus since i graduated..

3) Told me not to have long hair ( he saw my slight long hair after form 5, he gave me rm20 and asked me : "no money to cut hair? here you go.. faster go cut your hair )
- failed to MAX ... if my daddy see my  current long shoulder length hair.. he will faint .. i guarantee 

4) Told me when change a continental car must change a Mercedes ( typical China Men mindset)
- failed , im driving  a Volvo now..

5) Told and trained me to be a good drinker, as he said if next time girls drink with me i get drunk easily ... he said no face
- failed ... im not a good drinker at all... 1 pint of beer already have reddish face...

That what i can think for now...

Lastly i just wanna tell you guys, no matter what type of father you have... im sure he loves you , but just using the different style to love you :)  Try to communicate and show them a little bit of love ok? I know Asian men are kinda ego .... its hard to look at him and say " daddy i love u !" your father sure stoned or got heart attack when he see you doing that :D

Before i end this post i just wanna say DADDY I LOVE U ! ( dman it sound geli for me lor.. because i never say that to him before ) 


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cooking Edition

Date Happened : 17 April 2012

Cooking Edition  ( own house also can happened ) :
Been busy the whole day ... so very lazy to go out to get dinner... just slumber around in the house and decided to cook some instant noodles to kill the hunger!!

Its around 11pm plus... late night already ... consider supper time... so i cooked the noodels at the wet kitchen area.. which is a more open area la.... then when im cooking .. i heard a small girl at the corridor ( my wet kitchen is just next to the corridor of my house - its a condominium) saying :

Small girl : Mum...... I saw a LADY GHOST cooking maggi mee -> -_- my face
Mum        : Dont simply say... its late...
Small girl  : Noo..... really u look there.. (pointing at me) lady ghost .. like we see in the TV .. long hair ..And later her head can turn back without turn her body ...( very good imagination - impressed) 
Mum        : Oi!! faster go..... scary la..... i didn't see anything...

Then they left the corridor...

Small girl.... dont simply judge a man with long hair that cook instant noodle -> a LADY GHOST.. this is freaking scary ok? and now you had just scared your mother.... naughty girl!! tsk tsk tsk !

Long hair also can be very yao yeng when cooking.... not always look like LADY GHOST!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Lift Edition

Date Happened : 30 May 2012

Lift Edition:

At my apartment , in the lift as i need to go to basement to get my car.

The lift stopped half way , so there is a mother with 2 kids entered the lift. both of the kids i can tell you they are hyperactive kids man.... the little boy keep running round and round in the life... the freaking lift is not big and he can just keep running  in the lift and once a while go to push any button he could  in the lift.... wtf...

Then the little girl , didn't run .. good heh? BUT she keep talking to her mum non stop...  but the problem is she just  repeat the same question again and again....

Little girl: MOM!!! why this JIE JIE's leg got stars?? 

explain : I got a fake tattoo during my Bali trip.. yes there are some stars on my leg:
these are the temporary tattoo ( Stars)

Little girl : Mommy!!! Why why !! why Jie Jie's leg got stars?? (X 10 times)

Mommy : Shh..... quiet! don't make noise!

Then they left the lift.

BUT mother of  the kids, can you please explain to your kids that im not JIE JIE?
