Friday, June 15, 2012

Security Guard Edition

Date Happened : 22 May 2012

Security Guard Edition :

This case happened in Subang 1st office tower ( Subang 1st is a small business & leisure building located in Subang Jaya Malaysia).

Subang 1st building

Visited buddy at her office to collect my new hand-phone, so usually we have to register at the front counter before we proceed to the office. Gave them my driving licence and went up straight to the office.

Everything done came down , naturally i have to return the visitor pass and collect my driving licence right?

I actually took the wrong pass ( i didn't realized at all) and return to the guard.

Highlight  - when i passed them the visitor card.

Security A : (gave me back my driving licence ) , when i looked at it , its not mine ( of course not mine , because i gave them wrong visitor card)

Me : err... sorry this is not my driving licence..

Security B : you see la!! simply clip visitor driving licence, now mixed up already ! ( he was scolding the lady guard)

Security A : nolah!!you see properly , this driving licence is a girl photo , and its hers(pointing at me) same mahh.. u see the they look the same ..long hair ... no wrong....

Security B : really ahh??? yala... should be hers ( which is me) 

Me : nono .. .its not mine...look properly this driving licence its a girl.. not me.. im a guy ..

Security B : you lah.... simply clip  visitor's driving licence! ( blame security A), and they found my driving licence which clipped with another pass.

and i left the place, when i reached home... my buddy called and asked did i took her visitor pass, the n only i found out i actually took her pass. And i returned the pass to her next day.

But hor.... if i dont look properly the driving licence , then i mah take my buddies driving licence without notice??

Sorry to the security A being blamed and scolded by your head , but you also la... next time look properly the driving licence before you return... dosent mean i look like a girl then you gave me a girl's licence.. tsk tsk tsk ...

Miss security A , dont blame me ... because you didn't  see properly the photo before  you return to me...

