Friday, June 8, 2012

Father's Day Edition

Okay guys, this post its not referring  to any gender mixed up case, its a post to my beloved father.

Daddy, hows things up there? This year is the 10 years that you are not with me... over this 10 years, alot of changes and things happened ..and im sure you will not use to what am i now:)

Allright, my father passed away since i was 18, it was a sudden that he didn't suffer any treatment or sick before he passed away .... i still remember i was with a group of college buddies at Taylor's college .. yum cha with them happily ... suddenly alot calls from father's friends and colleagues called me and asked me how am I?  i still told them im good and with happy tone of voice.

Until my sister called me .... she cried and told me daddy just passed away... at that time i cant accept it at all.. because if my daddy undergoing some treatment or sick ... i still can expect something....but he just passes away suddenly when he was sleeping in his car....before that he just told the driver that " im tired , i need to sleep" just like that? how can i accept it at that time right??

Its been 10 years.... there are alot changes sure if you are still here... there will be no Gender mixed up cases blog exist ... because you will NEVER EVER allow me to have long hair at all...

I was born like a girl since i was young ...


That time alot of  already aunties asked my mum " aiyorr... your daughter so cute" .. die la.. like that... 

And this is the photo of me and my father during my young days:
I just realized there are only 3 photos taken me and my father ... it was really hard to find a photo with him...

My daddy is very serious father... he never play or joke with me, as he was very very busy with his career, and because of that he sacrificed his time to spend time with me , as i was the youngest in the family , at that time he used to travel outstation alot....and that's the reason he is a distance father :) and because of all these reason .. im scared of him as well...

The only things he will asked me when he saw me are :
1) How tall are you in the class?
2) What is your ranking in the class and whole form?
3) you sitting in front or behind in the class? ( i still donno why he asked this question until today)

Boring right? really that's the few questions he always asked me ... no fun at all :(

Things i didn't fulfilled  my daddy are :
1) he wanted me to be an accountant , because he said accountant is metal bowl.. if a company shut down you are the last one who left the company as , an accountant need to count and announce company bankrupt...
- failed, when he passed away . i switched to marketing and advertising major....

2) Told me marketing no future..
- failed... im in advertising and marketing line for 6 yrs plus since i graduated..

3) Told me not to have long hair ( he saw my slight long hair after form 5, he gave me rm20 and asked me : "no money to cut hair? here you go.. faster go cut your hair )
- failed to MAX ... if my daddy see my  current long shoulder length hair.. he will faint .. i guarantee 

4) Told me when change a continental car must change a Mercedes ( typical China Men mindset)
- failed , im driving  a Volvo now..

5) Told and trained me to be a good drinker, as he said if next time girls drink with me i get drunk easily ... he said no face
- failed ... im not a good drinker at all... 1 pint of beer already have reddish face...

That what i can think for now...

Lastly i just wanna tell you guys, no matter what type of father you have... im sure he loves you , but just using the different style to love you :)  Try to communicate and show them a little bit of love ok? I know Asian men are kinda ego .... its hard to look at him and say " daddy i love u !" your father sure stoned or got heart attack when he see you doing that :D

Before i end this post i just wanna say DADDY I LOVE U ! ( dman it sound geli for me lor.. because i never say that to him before ) 


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