Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Traffic light Edition

Date Happened : 25 March 2013

Traffic light edition :

kkkk..... this case was happend at the traffic light in PJ area... yesterday after meeting on my way home ... so  when i reached one of the traffic light nearby my house ... and the car next to me wanted to cut the que to my lane... so  i have no choice to let people the car cut my que right???

So i just showed the sign to let the car came in to my lane.... and he showed me a thank you sign , so i just show some courtesy to smile back to him lor...

who knows he winded down his passenger screen and said :

" Thank you amoi!! ... cantiknye senyum !!"

then he just drove away ....

Basket ... never look probably is a man or lady  before thank people ... 

me no amoi... me no cantik :( 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Toilet Edition

Date Happened : 24 February 2013

Toilet Edition :

Okok.... this case actually happened in Center Point Bandar Utama... as most of you guys know i have a problem bladder .. means my tangki always full lor!!

So i faster go to the toilet to pee la of course... after i peed ... of course i have to wash my hands... ( i realised alot guys dont wash their hands after pee ... eeeyerrrr.... not hygiene la all the bradarssss out there)

So when i was happily washing my hands at the basin .... there was an uncle came in ... and when he came in and saw me... he " JAMMED BREAK" at the entrance.... of course i knew what happened already la.... i just smiled at him and said .. "its okay .. come in "

This uncle just dont believe im a MAN  and he keep pointing the toilet sign  and said " Oi!!!! Oii!!! Oiii!!! "  kinda rude actually 

Me : come in !! its okay!!

Uncle : Oi!!!! this is a male toilet!!! you shouldn't be here! ( oi me sum more, basket!)

Me : Uncle!! IM A MAN .. real MAN!! and i belongs to this MALE toilet !! ( bengang already)

Uncle: errr... hahahahhahaha ( and he just came in and not even a sorry???)

Uncle!!! please show some respect even i look like a girl .. ( but he already rude to a "girl " actually)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Linked in Edition

Date Happened : 15 February 2013

Linked in Edition :

Okok....... i think most of you guys heard of Linked in Right ??? if some of you guys never heard before..... then ... errr... ahhhh.. Linked in is like a Facebook for  corporate... its all about your working profiles :)

so ... alot of you guys sure think ... what can can a Linked in can happened for my gender mixed up right??? i also don't believe until one day added me in Linked in and he sent me a message :(

Like that ... u see ...  can die or not??

So of course i have to show some courtesy one mar... so i have to reply him nicely and he straight replied me with different tone....

See.... ... some people really need some lesson one.... basket ....

WTF is wrong with this world??? Use linked in to tackle girls... summore tacked wrongly ....haiyor....

Friday, March 15, 2013

SPR EDITION ( Election Edition )

Date happened : From 12 July 2011 to 11 June 2012

SPR Edition ( Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia) = Electoral Roll Checking :

Allright guys, currently when we log in Facebook or any social media platforms , the most happening or most discussed topic its still about our up coming election ..

And as a Malaysian , last year i registered as a voter :D I'm doing what i have to do as a Malaysian! proud right?

Some of you guys did see this case before as i posted in my Facebook page last year, so this time i have to tell you guys what painful experienced i had .

I'm sure we all check our election status in www.spr.gov.my, so if you still have not check,, please do now :)

When i checked my status on 12 July 2011 last year , this is what appeared on my screen:

For non Malaysian reader : PEREMPUAN = FEMALE

I nearly fainted and screamed in front of the screen when i saw this!

And than i consulted some of my friends how to rectify it , they told me to call up their helped line to complain.

So i called up the general line which is 03-88856500.  This happened :

SPR : Hallo! SPR

Me : Hallo, there is an error in my SPR details.

SPR : Cakap Melayu boleh?  in a not so friendly way ( WTF is wrong with government sector? Cant they just speak simple English and communicate with me?)

Me : Okay... ada masalah dalam SPR rekod saya - to be honest , my BM sucks, very sorry if im using the wrong words in Malay.
(Okay ,  there is an error in my SPR details)

SPR : Apa masalah? ( whats wrong)

Me : Aku lelaki , tapi dalam SPR  Gender  saya adalah PEREMPUAM, masalah besar kak...
(Im a MALE, but in SPR the gender of mine is a FEMALE, big problem miss..)

SPR : .......... (she keep quiet for few second)... BUAHHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!
( Then she laughed damn freaking loud)

Me: errrr... kak.... macam mana? ( Miss... how now?) im a bit lost patient already , because she kept laughing non stop

SPR : Sorry yah , sangat FUNNY la masalah awak.. BUAHHHAHAAHAHAAA!!

Me : Ehh... boleh awak henti ketawa sekejap dan membetulkan GENDER saya?
( Ehh... can you please stop laughing and rectify my gender status ?)

SPR: BUAHHAAHA aku tak boleh tahan ... " babe! tengok screen saya " Dia lelaki tapi rekod sini adalah  Amoi!  - BUAHAHAHHAHAHA! X2
( I cannot control ..." buddy look at my screen " ) she showed my detail to her colleague and told her colleague that im a MALE and in the SPR showed im a FEMALE in the record, and both of them laughed happily...

Me: So... bila boleh membetulkan?
(So.. when you can rectify it?) Im already damn angry jor...
SPR : Awak tunggu saja, kita akan membetulkan data anda .. BUAHAHHAHHAA!!
( you just wait, we will rectify your gender status.. BUAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!)

Me : okay terima kasih! ( okay thank you)

And i hanged up the phone with a very boiling hot tempered  mood..

After 1 -2 months the status it still the same , and i called backed and complained again , then only they changed it for me??? Means the call i made previously with the SPR Lady was a waste....

Until yesterday i checked my status again and i got back my actual gender correct :

SPR you were treating me like a joker when i talk to you during the phone conversation har??

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Police Edition

Date Happened : 7 February 2013

Police  Edition :

woah.... this case dman suey ahhh ( suey = bad luck , usually Malaysia or Singapore Chinese will use this ) . Why suey?? because 2- 3 days ago i just done my alignments and summore let a mechanic flirt wrongly.. ( if you still dont know what am i talking.... please go to my previous post .. and you will understand )

Early morning , damn motivated .. wanna go to a meeting .. half way in LDP highway , location after toll heading to Puchong... my tyre hit a big stone and straight tyre flatted ... and i have no choice to stop at the road side... and when i got down my car .... basket ..... my rim is gone... total lost for my rims... how bad for my rims?? this bad :

Ok lor.... no choice to call for AAM for help .. i need a toll car to rescue me ..... and they said need to wait for 45 mins... ok lor... no choice also .... and while im waiting for my tol car ... a police car passed by me and it stop in front of me .... and 2 police man came to me :

Police : Amoi !! apa  sal?? ( MISS... what happened?)

Me : Rim tayar pecah .. tak boleh pandu...sedang tunggu AAM...  ( rim broken....cant drive, waiting for AAM)

Police : ohhh ini bukan kita punya kerja... Ah moi .. tak panas kah? nak pergi petrol station depand minum kopi? ( ohh this is not my job, MISS... dont you feel hot?? want to go for a drink at the petrol station in front)

Me : tak nak .... takda mood...

Police : allah .... eksyen saja ah moi tu ( allah ... action only)

Me : ehh... aku Lelaki  wei bukan amoi ... ( ehh .. im a man .. not a girl ) .

Police : They stoned a while and  drove away ... 

What quality of the police is this??? 1st they are blind... 2nd they are not helpful at all.... basket .... they are seriously hopeless wey ....

you see lah ...  the quality of our PDRM ( Police Malaysia)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Car work shop edition

Date Happened : 4 February 2013

Car workshop Edition :

This case was happened before Chinese New year .... so most of us will send our car to do a normal service before we travel during CNY ( Chinese New Year ) right... so do I :) 

So i sent my car to Sunway to service my tyre .... and as usual la... i waited in the visitor waiting room and online and do all my work in the room... then when i looked out from the room... ( its a glass room, so i can see what happened or should say the progress of my car being serviced ) 

And one of the mechanic .... passed by my room .. and he "gostan" means reversed back and look at me .. and he actually "WINK"  at me and said:

Mechanic : " Leng Lui !! ... your car need to wait ya!" + wink wink .... (basket!)

So i know what happened already lor .... since he so enjoyed .... might as well .. let the game on wei ..

Me : Leng Chai !! Can .. i can wait!!! .. Mou Man Tai!( means no problem) - with a deeply manly acho deep voice tone.....

He just got stoned and walked away ... and i dont see him passed by the waiting room again...
this mechanic really deserved this picture.. OWNED!!!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tennis Edition

Date Happened : 13 January 2013

Tennis Edition:

Yuuuhoooo~~~~ its been a while that there are no tennis edition ... and its back!!! so this time .. of course  the cases happened in the tennis court .

As usual.... whacked / stroked like Wimbledon... or should said like no tomorrow like that .... then hor.. the most annoying thing is ... some one hit their tennis ball into our court.... so i have no choice to stop my tennis and picked up the balls and returned it to the people in the next court....

and one of the tennis player next court came to me :

Next court  player : Hi MISS .. im sorry for that ....

Me : Its okay ....( here you go with your ball ( in a very deeply manly macho voice )

Next door court player : MISS ... are you okay?? you not feeling well is it??

Me : duh...... im extreamly fine and okay ... :( ( damn sad wei ... so macho voice already from me , he still think im a girl )

Next door court  player and another 3 of their partners :  Thank you MISS!!!! X 4 

Me : .................................................... ( inner injured X 4)

story of this.... some one still insist im a girl .. even i talked to them MACHOly ... can die wei ...
