Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Police Edition

Date Happened : 7 February 2013

Police  Edition :

woah.... this case dman suey ahhh ( suey = bad luck , usually Malaysia or Singapore Chinese will use this ) . Why suey?? because 2- 3 days ago i just done my alignments and summore let a mechanic flirt wrongly.. ( if you still dont know what am i talking.... please go to my previous post .. and you will understand )

Early morning , damn motivated .. wanna go to a meeting .. half way in LDP highway , location after toll heading to Puchong... my tyre hit a big stone and straight tyre flatted ... and i have no choice to stop at the road side... and when i got down my car .... basket ..... my rim is gone... total lost for my rims... how bad for my rims?? this bad :

Ok lor.... no choice to call for AAM for help .. i need a toll car to rescue me ..... and they said need to wait for 45 mins... ok lor... no choice also .... and while im waiting for my tol car ... a police car passed by me and it stop in front of me .... and 2 police man came to me :

Police : Amoi !! apa  sal?? ( MISS... what happened?)

Me : Rim tayar pecah .. tak boleh pandu...sedang tunggu AAM...  ( rim broken....cant drive, waiting for AAM)

Police : ohhh ini bukan kita punya kerja... Ah moi .. tak panas kah? nak pergi petrol station depand minum kopi? ( ohh this is not my job, MISS... dont you feel hot?? want to go for a drink at the petrol station in front)

Me : tak nak .... takda mood...

Police : allah .... eksyen saja ah moi tu ( allah ... action only)

Me : ehh... aku Lelaki  wei bukan amoi ... ( ehh .. im a man .. not a girl ) .

Police : They stoned a while and  drove away ... 

What quality of the police is this??? 1st they are blind... 2nd they are not helpful at all.... basket .... they are seriously hopeless wey ....

you see lah ...  the quality of our PDRM ( Police Malaysia)

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