Friday, March 15, 2013

SPR EDITION ( Election Edition )

Date happened : From 12 July 2011 to 11 June 2012

SPR Edition ( Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia) = Electoral Roll Checking :

Allright guys, currently when we log in Facebook or any social media platforms , the most happening or most discussed topic its still about our up coming election ..

And as a Malaysian , last year i registered as a voter :D I'm doing what i have to do as a Malaysian! proud right?

Some of you guys did see this case before as i posted in my Facebook page last year, so this time i have to tell you guys what painful experienced i had .

I'm sure we all check our election status in, so if you still have not check,, please do now :)

When i checked my status on 12 July 2011 last year , this is what appeared on my screen:

For non Malaysian reader : PEREMPUAN = FEMALE

I nearly fainted and screamed in front of the screen when i saw this!

And than i consulted some of my friends how to rectify it , they told me to call up their helped line to complain.

So i called up the general line which is 03-88856500.  This happened :

SPR : Hallo! SPR

Me : Hallo, there is an error in my SPR details.

SPR : Cakap Melayu boleh?  in a not so friendly way ( WTF is wrong with government sector? Cant they just speak simple English and communicate with me?)

Me : Okay... ada masalah dalam SPR rekod saya - to be honest , my BM sucks, very sorry if im using the wrong words in Malay.
(Okay ,  there is an error in my SPR details)

SPR : Apa masalah? ( whats wrong)

Me : Aku lelaki , tapi dalam SPR  Gender  saya adalah PEREMPUAM, masalah besar kak...
(Im a MALE, but in SPR the gender of mine is a FEMALE, big problem miss..)

SPR : .......... (she keep quiet for few second)... BUAHHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!
( Then she laughed damn freaking loud)

Me: errrr... kak.... macam mana? ( Miss... how now?) im a bit lost patient already , because she kept laughing non stop

SPR : Sorry yah , sangat FUNNY la masalah awak.. BUAHHHAHAAHAHAAA!!

Me : Ehh... boleh awak henti ketawa sekejap dan membetulkan GENDER saya?
( Ehh... can you please stop laughing and rectify my gender status ?)

SPR: BUAHHAAHA aku tak boleh tahan ... " babe! tengok screen saya " Dia lelaki tapi rekod sini adalah  Amoi!  - BUAHAHAHHAHAHA! X2
( I cannot control ..." buddy look at my screen " ) she showed my detail to her colleague and told her colleague that im a MALE and in the SPR showed im a FEMALE in the record, and both of them laughed happily...

Me: So... bila boleh membetulkan?
(So.. when you can rectify it?) Im already damn angry jor...
SPR : Awak tunggu saja, kita akan membetulkan data anda .. BUAHAHHAHHAA!!
( you just wait, we will rectify your gender status.. BUAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!)

Me : okay terima kasih! ( okay thank you)

And i hanged up the phone with a very boiling hot tempered  mood..

After 1 -2 months the status it still the same , and i called backed and complained again , then only they changed it for me??? Means the call i made previously with the SPR Lady was a waste....

Until yesterday i checked my status again and i got back my actual gender correct :

SPR you were treating me like a joker when i talk to you during the phone conversation har??

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