Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tennis Edition

Date Happened : 13 January 2013

Tennis Edition:

Yuuuhoooo~~~~ its been a while that there are no tennis edition ... and its back!!! so this time .. of course  the cases happened in the tennis court .

As usual.... whacked / stroked like Wimbledon... or should said like no tomorrow like that .... then hor.. the most annoying thing is ... some one hit their tennis ball into our court.... so i have no choice to stop my tennis and picked up the balls and returned it to the people in the next court....

and one of the tennis player next court came to me :

Next court  player : Hi MISS .. im sorry for that ....

Me : Its okay ....( here you go with your ball ( in a very deeply manly macho voice )

Next door court player : MISS ... are you okay?? you not feeling well is it??

Me : duh...... im extreamly fine and okay ... :( ( damn sad wei ... so macho voice already from me , he still think im a girl )

Next door court  player and another 3 of their partners :  Thank you MISS!!!! X 4 

Me : .................................................... ( inner injured X 4)

story of this.... some one still insist im a girl .. even i talked to them MACHOly ... can die wei ...

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