Friday, June 28, 2013

Tele communication Edition ( Third Party)

Date happened : 25 June 2013

Tele-communication Edition ( Third Party) 

Im sure alot of you guys will ask what is "third party" means for this edition right? Beacsue this case actually did not happened to me personally , its was actually happened to my colleague.

I was out of office and some one called to my office and this is how the cases started :

Stranger : Hallo 

Joe ( my colleague) : Hello

Stranger : Can i speak to MISS  Yi Tung please?

Joe : MR. Yi Tung is not around.

Stranger : May i know when is MISS Yi Tung will be back to office?

Joe : I'm not sure  when MR. Yi Tung will be back to office....

So the stanger keep saying MISS MISS MISS MISS Yi Tung , and my colleague keep saying MR> MR> MR  MR Yi Tung .

Until the stranger said : wait... Yi Tung is a MR? Not MISS?

Joe sounded up and said 

Joe : YES YITUNG IS A MR NOT MISS ( actually joe cannot tahan already )

Stranger : ........ i thought Yi Tung is a MISS...

Thanks Joe... you let me feel like a MAN again .....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Security Edition ( Guard House)

Date Happened : 24 June 2013

Security Edition:

Okay ... so this case actually happened yesterday morning la... due to me and my colleagues went for full day appointments meetings and we are staying in the same residential area.... so we decided to car pool ... since we all went to the same meetings... so  when i reached my colleague's housing area... one of the security guard stopped me :

Security guard : Good morning Madam!

Me : Morning  :( - early morning already kena ... basket 

Security guard : may i know which house you are going MADAM?

Me : XXXXXX house ...

Security guard : Madam , may i know who is the person you are looking for?

Me : HARRO!!! please don't call me madam can? 

Security guard : ahahahahhaa ... sorry ...

Me : ~!@#$%^&*(

WTF is wrong with your eye sight? Haze ahhh?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Subway Edition

Date Happened : 20 June 2013

Subway Edition :

 Sandwich edition is back! as most of you guys already very familiar with my incident.. so, this time also same .. went to Subway to get some sandwiches... and the staff will asked :

Staff 1 : MISS!!! what would you like to have?

Me : sub of the day  , thanks.

Staff 1 : MISS!! no more sub of the day , only everyday favorite ! ( they just changed their daily menu )

Me : then chicken slice please v Parmesan bread  .

Staff 1 : sure MISS!

Me : can you please stop calling me MISS ? cant you see im a MEN? real Men? ( cannot tahan liau laaaa... gonna burst .....)

Staff 1 : issshhh... im sorry im sorry!!

So when my sandwich is ready , i have to pay ... at the casher counter :

Staff 2: Hi MISS , its RM6.50 :)

Me : i think you are blind .... cant you see me as a guy ??? ( start shooting peoples already)

Staff 2 : im sooo sorry .....cant i get u a free drink to compensate?

Me : Coke light ... and  please remember im a MAN .. real MAN..

i promised, i will give you hard time if you 2 call me MISS again ...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Carpark Edition ( vomit blood edition)

Date Happened : 31 March 2011

Carpark Edition :

Okay guys ... i dont mean to be racist ... but this one really happened la.... 

As usual .. went for meeting and i have to park my car at the publi carpark ... and im sure you all know there are alot of parking area are managed by Indian... so after my meeting i went to collect my car .... and of course i have to pay ....

The Indian carpark staff came to me , and i paid him and i requested a receipt and he issued to me and suddenly he shaked hand with me and said :

Indian guy : Thank you Ah Moi!!  ( moi your head  larrr...... vomit blood)

Me : no .. im not ah moi ...

Indian guy : nono !! you are ah moi!!! ( vomit blood 2)

Me : no im not .. im a MAN and  ( im a super duper deep tone macho voice)

Indian guy : u still ah moi!! ( vomit blood 3)

Me : .....

Friday, June 14, 2013

Insurance Tele sales

Date happened : 10 May 2013

Insurance tele sales :

Im sure alot of us got a phone call from our bank and said " this is very exclusive chance for you as a loyal customer, we would like to offer you a very special limited insurance policy"

correct??? im very sure u all will receive this type of call!!! COMPERM ( means confirm)

This is how it happened - 

Tele sales : can i speak to ahh ahhh Liw.. ewww yitung?

Me : yes i am ... may i now who is this?

Tele sales : im calling from XXX bank ... and then hor... i have a good insurance policy deal for you ....... and he just talked non stop ...

Me : ahhh actually im driving now ..

Tele sales : oh my god!!!  y u never tell me ?


Tele sales : im sorry .. actually MISS YI TUNG why you sound like a guy ?

Me : which part of me dont sound like a guy ??? IM A GUY LAAAA

tele sales : no mar.... yitung sound like a girl ma....dont angry ok?

Me : me no angry .... it just Im was driving and i stoppend my car at the road side to talk to you..

Tele sales : wahh .. so nice ah you !! we come out coffee and be friend ok?

Me : NO OK.... and please dont call me again .. tankiu....

And i ended the call....

WTF is wrong with the tele sales from bank nowadays? can show some professional  attitude or not?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lift Edition (combo)

Date Happened : 6 June 2013

Lift Edition ( Combo):

Okay!!!! im back!!! (since when im not around laaa).... syok sendiri....( means self entertained)

Why this time got combo one ler??? because this is a very very rare case....  this is how it happened...

I just finished tennis and reached home .. parked my car and walked to the lift .... mine car parked in LG... so im the 1st one entered.... then the lift went up to G floor... a guy came in .. wuah .. long hair like me ... we smiled to each other... and the lift went to 1st floor.. another older man came in (mid 40s) wuahhh X 2  also long hair wan ......then we three look at each other..... and we laughed.... ( because 3 of us also long hair !!) got taste ahh!! i likey!!!

Then a small girl and her mother came into the lift as well....

Then suddenly the small girl asked her mum :

Small girl : Mommy ..... why these 3 ladies look so weird wan ...

Mother : shhhhhh...... they are not ladies.. they are Men ( thank god!) 

Small girl : whoopsss..... why they 3 have long hair ??

And they just left the lift when they reached their level of floor...

In the lift situation ....

then 3 of us ... actually speechless.... because we felt the PAIN!!!! and 3 of us gave her poker face ...because we dont know what to do ...

These was our face that time....

Pain ... really pain....

Friday, June 7, 2013

Meeting Edition

Date happened : 5 June 2013

Meeting Edition :

Okay .... this case actually happened when i meet my client for meeting ( actually its a 1st time meet up )

So the case actually happened like that :

we already set an appointment to meet up , venue and time already fixed.( he approached me in Linked In) 

So when i reached there, i met the client at the 1st time ...

Client : My god........ ( he looked at me ) 

Me : ohhh disappointed  right ? ( i know he tot im a girl at first) 

Client : How you know im disappointed?

Me : Because you are expecting to meet a girl , but now you know im a guy ..

Client : yeah ..... your photo in Linked In really look like a girl !

Me : Im sorry .. and so do you want to move on the meeting?

Client : ok lor.... we move on .. ( i know he just showed courtesy to me ) 

Im sorry bro...... this is the lesson ...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Email Edition

Date Happened : 4 June 2013

Email Edition :

This time i no need to talk and describe too much ... let the picture below tell you the story :)

You see lah ... you seee.....

No eye seee....
