Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Security Edition ( Guard House)

Date Happened : 24 June 2013

Security Edition:

Okay ... so this case actually happened yesterday morning la... due to me and my colleagues went for full day appointments meetings and we are staying in the same residential area.... so we decided to car pool ... since we all went to the same meetings... so  when i reached my colleague's housing area... one of the security guard stopped me :

Security guard : Good morning Madam!

Me : Morning  :( - early morning already kena ... basket 

Security guard : may i know which house you are going MADAM?

Me : XXXXXX house ...

Security guard : Madam , may i know who is the person you are looking for?

Me : HARRO!!! please don't call me madam can? 

Security guard : ahahahahhaa ... sorry ...

Me : ~!@#$%^&*(

WTF is wrong with your eye sight? Haze ahhh?

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