Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Carpark Edition ( vomit blood edition)

Date Happened : 31 March 2011

Carpark Edition :

Okay guys ... i dont mean to be racist ... but this one really happened la.... 

As usual .. went for meeting and i have to park my car at the publi carpark ... and im sure you all know there are alot of parking area are managed by Indian... so after my meeting i went to collect my car .... and of course i have to pay ....

The Indian carpark staff came to me , and i paid him and i requested a receipt and he issued to me and suddenly he shaked hand with me and said :

Indian guy : Thank you Ah Moi!!  ( moi your head  larrr...... vomit blood)

Me : no .. im not ah moi ...

Indian guy : nono !! you are ah moi!!! ( vomit blood 2)

Me : no im not .. im a MAN and  ( im a super duper deep tone macho voice)

Indian guy : u still ah moi!! ( vomit blood 3)

Me : .....

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