Friday, June 28, 2013

Tele communication Edition ( Third Party)

Date happened : 25 June 2013

Tele-communication Edition ( Third Party) 

Im sure alot of you guys will ask what is "third party" means for this edition right? Beacsue this case actually did not happened to me personally , its was actually happened to my colleague.

I was out of office and some one called to my office and this is how the cases started :

Stranger : Hallo 

Joe ( my colleague) : Hello

Stranger : Can i speak to MISS  Yi Tung please?

Joe : MR. Yi Tung is not around.

Stranger : May i know when is MISS Yi Tung will be back to office?

Joe : I'm not sure  when MR. Yi Tung will be back to office....

So the stanger keep saying MISS MISS MISS MISS Yi Tung , and my colleague keep saying MR> MR> MR  MR Yi Tung .

Until the stranger said : wait... Yi Tung is a MR? Not MISS?

Joe sounded up and said 

Joe : YES YITUNG IS A MR NOT MISS ( actually joe cannot tahan already )

Stranger : ........ i thought Yi Tung is a MISS...

Thanks Joe... you let me feel like a MAN again .....

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