Friday, September 28, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 2)

Episode 2 :

wooo...... here we come to episode 2!! if you missed out Episode 1 here with it :

okok.... so after i reached Singapore Changi International airport..... its about 10am in the morning .... my stomach kept making noise ( means hungry already) so have to find something to eat ... saw Starbucks in the duty free zone, so just wanna get some coffee and breakfast .

Went to the counter greeted by the staff :

Staff : Good morning MISS , welcome to Starbucks Changi Airport  ( ermm... to be honest im used to it already ...)

Me : Morning , please give me a mocha and chicken sandwich  :) - with my deeply manly macho voice

Staff : aiyor...... you r a guy!! , Michelle !!( his colleague), he is a guy lai de! ( means im a guy)

Me : hahahaha!!!

Then they apologized to me  :)

After I've dove with my breakfast ... i have to got o the city to have some shopping since my meeting is at 1pm , and now only 10am plus .... so decided to take MRT to the city which is very convenient ...

Once i got in the MRT , it was kinda empty .... but the more station passed by the more passengers will come in naturally right? so after few stations, i saw an aunty came in with her granddaughter , so i just stood up and let her take over my seat ... we r young people ma... must show respect to the elderly wan ... right?? ( if you say not right i will whack u until you say right!)

Aunty : You see, JIE JIE so nice... SHE gave us HER seat....

Me : .... ( speechless la of course - i was stoned man!)

Grand daughter : JIE JIE!! You so nice !! thank you ! 

I just smiled at them :D

I better dont make any noise... later i scare the aunty and the grand daughter how?? they already so thankful to me .... just let it be la.....

already 3 cases happened in just 1 morning wei...freaking painful lorr.......

To be continue.......

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 1)

Date happened : 17 September 2012

Episode 1:

Ok guys!!! this is another mini series again ... but this time more terror!! because i went to Singapore for a day trip... but the gender mixed up cases kept happened to me non stop ... here we start ....

Hohoho..... Sad case la ... Today is public holiday  in Malaysia, but I still have to travel to Singapore for some meeting ....

Summore have to catch my flight at 8.30am .... means that i have to be at airport AT LEAST 1 hour before the flight ... im basically lack of sleep the night before.. damn torture wei......

As usual la...Checked in and I was waiting at the departure hall... Suddenly a tourist sat next to me , and she is a young lady ( sexy lady .. wooohoooo!!!!)

I just smiled at her ( have to show some courtesy la  alot people said Malaysian not friendly .... so i have to proof that we are friendly and helpful yah ) , and she suddenly asked me ...

Lady tourist: hey .... Nice to meet u ..nice hair you have ! Is there any place I can do my hair like yours in Malaysia 

Me : hi ... Ermmmm... My hair it's natural ... I just do normal trimming and a very normal hair saloon...

Lady tourist : my god! You are a man... But u look like a girl . (hallo! I'm a real man and it genuine )

I just ignore her ... And start writing this post on the spot in front of her.... buahahah!!!

 r  u kidding ??  y me cannot long hair??

Stay tune for episode 2 ...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Ad Congress Edition

Date happened : 18 February 2011

Ad Congress Edition :

This case happened in 2011,  i still remember it was at a advertising congress, if you guys attended any congress, usually quite boring wan right? and it takes easily 3-5 hours.... so as a small bladder guy like me ....  my tangki ( water tank)  get full easily ....

As usual.... rushed to nearest toilet .... finished .... went to the basin to wash my hands....suddenly one of the congress speaker came in  and saw me ..... he " jam break" immediately at the entrance of the toilet .... and asked me :

Speaker : Is this ladies?

Me : hahahahha ... what do you think??

Speaker : Im sooo sorry ( with a guilty look)

And he went out ... after few seconds.... he came in again ...and looked at me and he laughed...(he really thought im a girl)

Me : im sorry to scare you ...

and he laughed.....

Luckily he didn't entered into the ladies.....if not ...hehehehhehe

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Massage Edition

Date happened : 19 Feb 2011

Massage Edition:
ooookay .... body feel very pain due to too much exercised ... so decided to go for a good massage... as usual ... went to the massage parlor  took 2 hours full body massage .

So i went in to my cubical and undress myself ... ( topless only ok?? not fully naked ... u naughty naughty!!!.. kekekeke!!)

Waited for a while .... a lady masseuse came in ... then of course i greeted her la. she looked at me shockingly ..

Me : Hallo ..good evening !

Masseuse : hi MISS!! here is male floor, female is upstair !! Please go upstair... ( some more she pulled up my hair)

Me : errm.... miss.... im a MAN ... is it obvious? im already topless.. ( with deeply macho low tone voice)..

Masseuse : ehhh... im sorry .... but you really look like a girl ....

Me : hahahhaha ..its okay ...

She cant stop laughing when she massaged me ....

When times was up... i dressed up .... and she said : "YOU ARE ACTUALLY PRETTIER THAN SOME OF THE GIRLS"

Sei Mei???
Not bad..... im more pretty than some of the
achievement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Wechat edition ( 3rd Party)

Date Happened : 5 September 2012

Wechat edition :

Okay guys, this time another wechat edition , but !!! its not happened on me directly ... its on my friend side... she cant stop laughing and told me about this incident.

If some of you guys still donno what is wechat? please read my previous post of wechat below :

Okok.... this case happened during my chat with my friend , the case started like this :

Me and my friend chatting using wechat , then suddenly her cousin ( is a guy ) walked passed her , and he just being kepochi ( its a hokkien language , means busy body la... err.. to simplify .. means it is not your business, but you still wanna come to see or look due to curiosity ). And he saw my profile picture and said :

These are the mini profile picture that he saw..

Her cousin : wuahh!! LENG LUI ohhh!! ( leng lui = means sexy lady, nono  its pretty lady)

My friend : WTF??? its a guy lehhh!!

Then her cousin  walked near to her and see my profile picture again and said : nolar!! LENG LUI larr!!!

Of course la my friend wanted to prove that im a MAN ( oh yehhh~)  she even opened my profile pic and showed him, but he still insist saying IM A GIRL!!
He still insist that im a GIRL even my friend showed him this profile picture with mustache

At the end , he did hold up the phone and look carefully , BUT still he said im a girl... summore is LENG LUI~~

Case ended like that ..... sad right??
Me with Mustache does not let me look like a MAN = FAILED MAX.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dream Edition

Date happened : 25 August 2012

Dream edition :

Something different this time , i mean for the Edition ya... this case actually happened on my girlfriend... kinda pity her that because of my gender mixed up cases keep happened in my life and sometimes to her also ....

So on one of the morning during the weekend, she woke up and said "you very bad!"

I was like .. WTF???  what i did to her that she just woke up and said im bad wei...

She told me that she had a night mare... and the night mare is like that :

She dream i became a girl and i started to ignore her ..... when she needs me , called me or look for me , i still ignore her, and it showed that im actually lost interest on her and also to all the females... terror hor??

The best part is she said i became a women , even my hair , my body and everything.... whoa.. seems like  im totally transformed into a women .. ouyehh! ( err.... y i sound so happy??)

And she got really sad until she woke up by the shockingly dream ....  that's the reason she said " you very bad!" when she woke up ....

Poor girl..... dont worry ... i still love you :D its just a dream ..... 
now my case can really go into her dream.....

Friday, September 7, 2012

Toilet Edition

Date Happened : 27 August 2012

Toilet edition:

Ok guys!! this time this case happened in The Gardens Shopping Mall toilet . It was a Sunday ... so me and my GF decided to to have shopping trip to Midvalley ....

As you guys know, my bladder is kinda i need to go to toilet OFTENLY!!

As usual, tangki full ( means bladder storage full la), went to the toilet . . nothing happen.... peacefully ... settled .....some most of the guys in the toilet have good eye sight, so they all can recognized me as a REAL MAN..

When i was washing my hands... and drying up at the same time, an uncle came in the toilet , and he tapped on my shoulder , of course la i automatically turned over and asked him whats up...

Conversation :
Me : yeah ? anything i can help u ?

Uncle : Hi Miss, may i know where is the male toilet?

Me : uncle... u r now in the male toilet .. here is it...

Uncle : nope... this is female toilet .

Me : errr.... uncle ... if this is female toilet , then y u still come in? obviously this is a male toilet :)

Uncle : no... this is not .... that's y im asking you where is male toilet ...

Me : uncle.... look ! there are urinal here in this toilet , so THIS IS A MALE TOILET...

Uncle : Then y u in male toilet?

Me : because im a MEN, REAL MEN ... ( my temper was boiling already)

Uncle ignored me and he went to pee already....

The only thing in my mind = !@#$%^&*()!!

feel like wanna kill anything that what i see for that moment!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Marutama Ramen Edition

Date Happened : 11 August 2012

Marutama Ramen Edition :

Wooohooo..... another new week.....  for some of you guys that dont know what is Marutama , it is a Japanese ramen restaurant , as i know they have outlets in Empire Subang shopping mall and also Fahrenheit 88 KL shopping mall ya :)

They have kinda good of varieties of Ramens.... do check out if you like Ramen :)

The thing i love to go to Japanese restaurant is , usually their Ocha ( green tea ) are free flow, and they will come to you automatically to refill your green tea... not like others restaurent , you need to call them or either raise your hand to ask them to refill your drink, some even pretend not to see you ... geram kan??

Okok .. back to business here..... one of the waiter wanted to refill my ocha, he politely asked me,

" MISS can i refill your drink??"

And i turned my head ( surely have the long hair flip over style ) just like that :
And i looked at him and answered him " yeah sure go ahead " - Macho manly deep tone voice

The waiter got totally shocked and he said,

Waiter : yohh!!!( with shocking face )
Waiter : im sorry sir ..... i saw u long hair and i thought u r a GIRL....

Me : hahaha its okay .. not your fault .. at least u still can realized im a Man ..

Waiter : you don't angry ok? please dont angry....

Me : nono its okay .. im not angry..

Then he just refilled my ocha and he looked abit upset ..... don't la so serious brother.. .take it easy :D Chill chill

didnt know that the impact can be so big for him when he mixed up im a girl.... kelian....( means pity in hokkien)
