Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dream Edition

Date happened : 25 August 2012

Dream edition :

Something different this time , i mean for the Edition ya... this case actually happened on my girlfriend... kinda pity her that because of my gender mixed up cases keep happened in my life and sometimes to her also ....

So on one of the morning during the weekend, she woke up and said "you very bad!"

I was like .. WTF???  what i did to her that she just woke up and said im bad wei...

She told me that she had a night mare... and the night mare is like that :

She dream i became a girl and i started to ignore her ..... when she needs me , called me or look for me , i still ignore her, and it showed that im actually lost interest on her and also to all the females... terror hor??

The best part is she said i became a women , even my hair , my body and everything.... whoa.. seems like  im totally transformed into a women .. ouyehh! ( err.... y i sound so happy??)

And she got really sad until she woke up by the shockingly dream ....  that's the reason she said " you very bad!" when she woke up ....

Poor girl..... dont worry ... i still love you :D its just a dream ..... 
now my case can really go into her dream.....

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