Tuesday, September 25, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 1)

Date happened : 17 September 2012

Episode 1:

Ok guys!!! this is another mini series again ... but this time more terror!! because i went to Singapore for a day trip... but the gender mixed up cases kept happened to me non stop ... here we start ....

Hohoho..... Sad case la ... Today is public holiday  in Malaysia, but I still have to travel to Singapore for some meeting ....

Summore have to catch my flight at 8.30am .... means that i have to be at airport AT LEAST 1 hour before the flight ... im basically lack of sleep the night before.. damn torture wei......

As usual la...Checked in and I was waiting at the departure hall... Suddenly a tourist sat next to me , and she is a young lady ( sexy lady .. wooohoooo!!!!)

I just smiled at her ( have to show some courtesy la  alot people said Malaysian not friendly .... so i have to proof that we are friendly and helpful yah ) , and she suddenly asked me ...

Lady tourist: hey .... Nice to meet u ..nice hair you have ! Is there any place I can do my hair like yours in Malaysia 

Me : hi ... Ermmmm... My hair it's natural ... I just do normal trimming and a very normal hair saloon...

Lady tourist : my god! You are a man... But u look like a girl . (hallo! I'm a real man and it genuine )

I just ignore her ... And start writing this post on the spot in front of her.... buahahah!!!

 r  u kidding ??  y me cannot long hair??

Stay tune for episode 2 ...

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