Friday, September 28, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 2)

Episode 2 :

wooo...... here we come to episode 2!! if you missed out Episode 1 here with it :

okok.... so after i reached Singapore Changi International airport..... its about 10am in the morning .... my stomach kept making noise ( means hungry already) so have to find something to eat ... saw Starbucks in the duty free zone, so just wanna get some coffee and breakfast .

Went to the counter greeted by the staff :

Staff : Good morning MISS , welcome to Starbucks Changi Airport  ( ermm... to be honest im used to it already ...)

Me : Morning , please give me a mocha and chicken sandwich  :) - with my deeply manly macho voice

Staff : aiyor...... you r a guy!! , Michelle !!( his colleague), he is a guy lai de! ( means im a guy)

Me : hahahaha!!!

Then they apologized to me  :)

After I've dove with my breakfast ... i have to got o the city to have some shopping since my meeting is at 1pm , and now only 10am plus .... so decided to take MRT to the city which is very convenient ...

Once i got in the MRT , it was kinda empty .... but the more station passed by the more passengers will come in naturally right? so after few stations, i saw an aunty came in with her granddaughter , so i just stood up and let her take over my seat ... we r young people ma... must show respect to the elderly wan ... right?? ( if you say not right i will whack u until you say right!)

Aunty : You see, JIE JIE so nice... SHE gave us HER seat....

Me : .... ( speechless la of course - i was stoned man!)

Grand daughter : JIE JIE!! You so nice !! thank you ! 

I just smiled at them :D

I better dont make any noise... later i scare the aunty and the grand daughter how?? they already so thankful to me .... just let it be la.....

already 3 cases happened in just 1 morning wei...freaking painful lorr.......

To be continue.......

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