Monday, February 25, 2013

International Edition - HK trip part 2 - Episode 6 ( Finale)

International Edition - HK trip part 2

Episode 6 ( Finale):

Epi 1:
Epi 2:
Epi 3:
Epi 4:
Epi 5:

Allright ... here we go for the finale of the HK trip part 2 :) and for some of you don't like this edition.. good news.. because this is the end .. for those love this edition ... im sorry that you guys have to wait for my next trip and my cases do keep happened in overseas ya :) 

okok.... talk so long .... i better start the last case happened during my last day in HK ... when i checked out the hotel.. the front counter staff greeted me :

Hotel Staff : Good morning MISS ... 

Me : morning ( deep tone voice) .. i would like to check out ..

Hotel Staff : ok sure .... please wait a moment MISS ( basket ... still didnt realized im a guy ) 

Me : by the way .. im a MAN....

Hotel Staff : ohh im sorry .. SIR .. BUT YOU DONT LOOK LIKE ... 

Me really wanna vomit blood ..

So after i checked out ... hotel reception helped me to get a taxi to airport ....

When i was queuing up at the lobby for taxi ... the guy infront of me let me get the taxi 1st ....

Stranger in front of  me : MISS.... here you go for the TAXI .... LADIES FIRST ....

Me : nono its okay ... you should go ahead ...

Stranger infront of me :Nono ... miss... please take this taxi .. my pleasure 

Me .. alright thanks.. have a nice day .. ( OK lor... since he insist wanna let me take his taxi ... i take lor .. right?)

When i got in the taxi , the driver asked me :

Taxi driver : why he let you take his taxi?

Me : Because he thought im a GIRL .... and he let me take his taxi :)

Taxi driver.. hahahahhaha!!!! he needs to go for an eye check :D ahahahha

Me : I likey you ah!!!


Okay guys ... herewith the end of the HK trip series ya....

next post will back to the normal daily cases :)

Thanks for your support and please spread my blog to others :) 

Thank you very much ...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

International Edition - HK trip part 2 - Episode 5

International Edition - HK trip part 2

Episode 5:

Epi 1:
Epi 2:
Epi 3:
Epi 4:

So after the so call "molest" case...there are no major cases happened .... so after 1 day later... as usual i went to one of the cafe ... so i have to wait for the front counter waiter to serve me....

When i was at the entrance ...

Waiter at entrance : Hallo MISS ... welcome ... how many person?( dman polite lor.. but wrong address)

Me : Hi.... just me 1 person (  lazy to use deep tone macho voice .. hungry maa)

Waiter at the entrance : Faster clean the table la!! this FEMALE customer (Me) is waiting woi!!! ( Damn 9 rude to his colleague)

Waiter at the entrance : Hi MISS.... table is ready please go in ( dman polite again)

Me : Thank you ... ( with deeper tone ... cannot tahan jor)

Waiter inside : Hi MISS , herewith the menu...

Me : thanks... IM a MAN actually .... please dont call me MISS..

Waiter inside : WOI!!!!!!  this customer is a guys la!! not a girl....( shouted at his colleague at the entrance)

Waiter at the entrance : WHATEVER LAR!!!  YOU donno how to see wan arr? use your eye laaa (shouted back to his colleague inside)

Me : You two really blind man ..... you 2 no eyes wan ..

And he just ignored me... 

blind...... toltally blind....
Stay tune for finale episode!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

International Edition - HK trip part 2 - Episode 4

International Edition - HK trip part 2

Episode 4:

Okay .... Gong Hei Fatt Choy to you all..... this is the 1st post during Chinese Lunar Year!!... so lets continue with the HK edition...  herewith teh previous episodes ya :

Epi 1:
Epi 2:
Epi 3:

So after my so call crying incident in the restaurant.... i moved on to shopfor my tennis shoe.... and of course i will go to the sport shoe street (旺角-波鞋街)to get my tennis shoes... and as usual .. it was crowded... so when i stepped in  one of the store .... and when i was looking around... one of the guy accidentally banged me .... and this was how it happened :
( all conversation in Cantonese )

That guy : opps... Im sorry 

Me : Its ... no problem ..

His friend : 你无好趁机抽这一个小姐的水啦!( hey .. dont simply molest this girl la!)

That guy : 没啊,我没有抽这位小姐的水,对不起小姐!( no i didn't .. miss.. im sorry )

And i knew the situation is totally wrong lor....

Me : 你们叫小姐到很爽哦!我是男人! ( you guys called me MISS till very syok hor... IM A MAN) - sorry for my direct translation ....

and they 2 just stoned there and they walked out the store right after this.....

Why ohh why????

dont you dare to call me  MISS again .....

Episode 5 next week!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

International Edition - HK trip part 2 - Episode 3

International Edition - HK trip part 2

Episode 3:

Okay guys .... 1st of all... today is Chinese New Year Eve!! so i have to wish you all GONG HEI FATT CHOI!!!!.. Huat ahhh!!! 

And why im updating  my blog this time??? Because i just done my reunion family dinner... and to be honest .. at this time.. im damn free lor....  and im sure ... some of you guys also slacking in front of your laptop or smartphones/ tablets .... so i think its a good time to entertain all of you who are boring!!

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Okay .. lets continue with the episodes.. so it was a peaceful flight during in the flight , until i reached HK  , and after i checked in my hotel.... i took the MTR ( Mass transit railways) to Mong Kok .... i love to go to Mong Kok to get my tennisgear .. as this place is famous for cheap sports shoes! its really about 30- 40% off from the price in Malaysia... BUT!!! before that ... im hungry ... so i need to grab some food .. and i i just went in a local cafe to have my dinner...
This is Mong Kok famous street :)

HK is so crowded that you have to share table with others if you are alone ...  so i was  sharing a table with a couple..... and i ordered a cold drink .... and due to i drank my cold water too fast ... and i had a BRAIN FREEZE and my tears came out ......( and of course my face shows that im suffering laaa)

So the couple sitting infront of me ....gave me tissue paper and said :

Couple : MISS .... are you ok? .. why you cry??

Me : im okay ... dont worry ...

Couple: . you seems very pain ... is it period pain? You cannot drink cold water during period ..

Me : nono .... im a MAN .. i don't  have period ..... ( deng!! already talked to them ... they still thought im a girl)

Couple : whooopps .... im sorry ... i really thought you are a girl since you sat down....

Me : hahahaha .. dont worry ... i just got brain freeze ..

OMFG .... i really speechless lor... cannot scold them ... since they are so nice... but in THE WRONG WAY...

this time i cannot scold them.. because they are nice couple :(

Stay tune for Episode 4 guys!!! enjoy your Chinese new year!!! !!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

International Edition - HK trip part 2 - Episode 2

International Edition - HK trip part 2

Episode 2 :

Okay guys ..... as my usual  style... if you missed out Episode 1 , here you go :

Allright .... lets continue.... so after the checked in case... i still have around 2 hours before my plane depart ... so i just went to the KLIA premier lounge ... and seriously ....  their service attitude was bad wei.... come on la KLIA management .... ain't  premier lounge's service should be good? And this is how they provided their service to me ...

Once i settle down in the lounge , i just walked over to the bartender to ask what is the WiFi password :

Me : Hi , may i know what is the WiFi password?

The waiter just dont want to talk to me nicely .. he just pointed the board and said "CANT YOU SEE THIS?" ( its a board that stated the wifi password)

Basket!!!! i dont think this type of service a acceptable lor!! Then i sounded up ..

Me : Hi SIR.... cant you guys just smile or slightly friendly when you  talked to me? i don't think your attitude is suitable to wok here... im serious...

The staff that i complaint talk to his colleague now :

Staff A : bro ... this LADY want to complain us not friendly .

Me : hallo... i dont think you not only have attitude problem.... i think you are blind too... IM A MAN obviously... cant you see properly??

And the 2 staff just stoned there.....and they keep quiet

THIS TIME I WIN!!!!! and they 2 deserve my complain....sucker!!!

Stay tune for episode 3
