Friday, April 26, 2013

Restaurant Edition

Date Happened : 26 April 2013

Restaurant Edition :

Okay .... this Edition is fully requested by my fellow colleagues ... because they seen this case happened in front of them during the lunch just now....

So it started like that .... this case happened in Ampang Park  ( for foreign readers , Ampang park is an old commercial building  in KL downtown) And i was late for lunch today ... so of course im have to sit either at the corner of whatever space left at the table...

I was sitting at the center corner of the table and i was facing all my colleagues  ( means my back is facing the rest of the crowds la.. haiyor.... very hard to describe my sitting position la)

Then when i  happily finished my lunch .... one of the staff tried to arrange some sitting for some customers... and there was a extra chair next to me ... but she needs me to move abit to take the chair :

Waitress : Hallo MISS..... can you please move abit .. i need to take this chair ... 

Me : ... err.. ahhh.... ( then i moved a bit )

Waitress : Thank you ah MISS thank you MISS!!

Me : err.. IM A MAN la..... im not a women ....

Waitress.. OH MY GOD!!! hahaha Im sorry ( basket .... still can laugh when say sorry)

Then half of my colleagues at the table saw this scene and they laughed ....

Then some of the customers actually saw this as well... and when we are about to leave ... some of them looked at me awkwardly ...

And the waitress did came to me and said sorry to me repeatedly at the counter  ...

Haiyah... guys .... u see la.... it really happened one ...

Dear waitress.... can u SEE properly IM  A MAN???

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Car Dealer Edition

Date Happened : 3 April 2013

Car Dealer Edition :

Okay guys ..... im sure some of you knew that i sold my precious Volvo early of the month ... so as usual .... i have to do  the normal standard procedure .... so when the day i went to collect my new car from the car dealer.... its sad to see my Volvo leaving me la..

So after i transferred all my stuffs from Volvo to my new car .... i sadly passed the Volvo car key .... 

And one of the sales man ( not the one served me) came to me and said ..

Sales man : MISS .... don't be sad .. i know how u feel .... we will take care of your car ...

basket ... me also damn bad mood..... summore he mistaken im a GIRL.... but i just keep quiet ..

Sales Man : MISS .... if you free.... u can call me ..

Cannot tahan already ...

Me : HALLO!! IM A MAN ....and please make sure you are talking to a man or women before you talk to me ok? ( with an extreamly DEEP tone MACHO VOICE)

Sales man : ohhh !!! sorry sorry ... i wont call u ....

Me : ~!@#$%^&*(

Dont do that to me again ....or else.....

Friday, April 19, 2013

Shopping Mall Edition - Kuching

Date Happened :29 March 2013

Shopping Mall Edition - Kuching:

Okay guys... if you read my previous post ... you will know i was in Kuching few weeks back.... so after the airport toilet case .... this time the case happened in the Spring Shopping mall in Kuching :) 

As i went there for wedding , basically im kinda free during the day time... so i went to the Spring to do some window shopping ... so my mother, gf and me stepped in to Padini Concept store ( For oversea readers- Padini is a local Malaysian fashion brand . As my mum and gf were happily shopping for shoes, so i just go to the male clothes section ...

So when i was happily looking for clothes ... one of the promoter came to me and said :

Promoter : Hallo MISS .... are you looking for clothes for your BOYFRIEND???

Me : hahahaha .. no... for my self ( i know what happened already , but want to see how blur she is :P)

Promoter : But this section is for MEN .... women is at that side . ( she pointed at the female section)

Me : hmmm.. actually im a MAN ... and i think im belongs to this section right ?( with deeply macho manly  deepest tone voice )

Promoter : my god!!! im soooo sorry ... but you dont look like a MAN ( basket summore said this)

Me : then how a MAN should look like?

Promoter : ........ ( she dont dare to say anything) hahahahhahaha ( just laughed) 

you dont laugh ...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kuching Airport Edition

Date Happened : 29 March 2013

Kuching airport Edition :

eeehemm.... ... 2 weeks ago i went to Kuching to attend a wedding ... and as alot of you guys know that i have small little tiny tangki ( water tank - bladder) so once  the plane landed.. the 1st place i have to go surely is TOILET.....

So i went to toilet .... after pee.. then have to wash my hands right ?  when i was happily washing my hands.. i kid came in .... and he saw me .. and i looked at him .... 

He suddenly JAMMED break at the entrance.... and shout :

" jangan masuk!!! ada perempuan di tandas lelaki!"
( Don't go in , there is a GIRL in the male toilet)

Me : err..... dik... aku lelaki ... bukan perempuam ... masuk saja
(err... boy ... im a MAN .... not a GIRL.... just come in )

Kid : ehh... u bukan lelaki .... u perempuan!
(ehh.. U R NOT A MAN.. U R A WOMEN)

Me : Basket ( of course say in my heart la) .... up to you to believe la..

Then i just left the toilet , but the kid said this before i left the toilet:

Kid : Jangan masuk tandas lelaki sesuka hati...
( dont just come in to Male toilet as you like)

Me : WTF....
Dont let me see you again.....

Friday, April 12, 2013

Drive-Thru Edition

Date Happened : 21 march 2013

Drive - Thru Edition :

Okay !!! this time this case happened  in Cheras Cannought garden . ( Cheras is a residential area in Kuala Lumpur - how to further explain this place ... actually i also dont know )

Why i was in this area? im sure some of you guys know i stay in PJ .. im here because i sent my car for window tinting .

Alright ... so obviously we will get hungry ... so the easiest way to get food is thru fast food drive thru , and there is a McDonalds nearby ... so i drove there to  get some food...

Action begins now :-

I ordered a Mc Value lunch set , but i changed the drink to mineral water , after i paid  and when i drove to the collection counter , the staff gave me a Mc Value lunch set ( correct) but with Coke ...

Me : Hi Sir .. i think you give me wrong dink .. i ordered mineral water not Coke ..

Staff : Really?

Me : yesh!

Staff : Oiii!! Sudah ordered salah!! MISS ordered mineral water .. bukan Coke!! MISS sudah marah wei!!
(oiii.... we took ordered wrongly !! MISS wanted mineral water not Coke!! MISS angrey already !!)

Actually ..Me no angry at all... but i dont know why he said im angry ,, summore called me "MISS" .. basket ..

Staff : MISS jangan marah ... i bagi you 2 mineral water and itu Coke  FREE juga untuk awak ya :D
( MISS dont angry ok? i give you 2 bottles of mineral water and this Coke is free for you :D )

Me : hahahahahah thank you very much ... oh ya , Aku lelaki .. bukan MISS :P
( hahahahhaa thank you very much ... oh ya ... im a MAN .. not MISS :P

Then i just drove away ... but i can see him stone a while .... forever alone for him :P

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shopping Mall Edition

Date Happened : 20 March 2013

Shopping Mall Edition :

okay guys ... shopping mall edition is back!!! this time it happened in Paradigm Mall ( Paradigm Mall is a residential mall located in Petaling Jaya)

So how did the case happened ? It was actually me and my GF went to Tesco to do our weekly grocery ... and the beauty of Tesco is they close at 12am ... so usually we can take our sweet time to do our grocery shopping after most of the shops are closed.... when we are done with our grocery... we just walked towards the carpark ( of course to collect my car la) 

And half way .... we passed by "Gong Woh Tong"
ahhhh this is Gong Woh Tong la.... they are very famous in Guai Leng Kou  ( seriously ... i really dont know what is Guai Leng Gou in English wei .... any one can tell me aah ?? don't tell me is TORTOISE JELLY ??!?!?!?!  ) sure laugh die u all..

Okok.. this is not the highlight ... here comes the highlight .....

When i passed by this shop... once of the staff ( aunty) is shutting down the shutter ... and she looked at me ...(of course i was looking at her)

Then she looked at me again .... errr.. this is weird liau lor...then i looked back at her ... then she smiled at me.... of course la i have to show some courtesy right?? ... so i smiled back to her lor...

Then she started to talked ...

Aunty : You look like my DAUGHTER la.....

Me : hahahahahaha ... IM a MAN Aunty ....

Aunty : you really look like my daughter ....

Me : Hahahahahhahaha... ok ( heart bleeding)

Of course i cant do anything la... i just keep laughing at leave ...

This time really failed kao kao man ..... i laughed with my  heart pain  ......... vomit blood....

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Meeting Edition

Date happened : 14 march 2013

Meeting Edition :

ok guys... i dont think i have any meeting editions in my GENDER MIXED UP CASES record before .. so this new to all of you !! ( syok sendiri pulak)  = means self entertain ..

I had a meeting at quill motor ( its a dealer of BMW and Rolls Royce in Malaysia) . So the security is kinda tight in the building .. i even have to tell the security guards what is the purpose and how long i will spend for my meeting..

Me : Hi , may i know where is the visitor parking?

Security Guard : Hi, you can park your car at the basement ?

Me : Why i cant park here? It stated there visitor parking .

Security Guard : Because there is a female priority parking at basement and its safer for female :)

Me : Im a guy ... and im not a girl.. please ... :(

Security Guard : are you kidding??

Me : Im serious ...

Security guard : its okay ... you just look like A GIRL ... and just park at the basement female parking ...

Me ..... speechlesssss

Ok lor....  he wanna treat me like a girl... and i really parked my car at the female priority parking ... because its safer ma...

aiyor...... i really dont know how to describe my feeling at the moment lah....
