Friday, April 19, 2013

Shopping Mall Edition - Kuching

Date Happened :29 March 2013

Shopping Mall Edition - Kuching:

Okay guys... if you read my previous post ... you will know i was in Kuching few weeks back.... so after the airport toilet case .... this time the case happened in the Spring Shopping mall in Kuching :) 

As i went there for wedding , basically im kinda free during the day time... so i went to the Spring to do some window shopping ... so my mother, gf and me stepped in to Padini Concept store ( For oversea readers- Padini is a local Malaysian fashion brand . As my mum and gf were happily shopping for shoes, so i just go to the male clothes section ...

So when i was happily looking for clothes ... one of the promoter came to me and said :

Promoter : Hallo MISS .... are you looking for clothes for your BOYFRIEND???

Me : hahahaha .. no... for my self ( i know what happened already , but want to see how blur she is :P)

Promoter : But this section is for MEN .... women is at that side . ( she pointed at the female section)

Me : hmmm.. actually im a MAN ... and i think im belongs to this section right ?( with deeply macho manly  deepest tone voice )

Promoter : my god!!! im soooo sorry ... but you dont look like a MAN ( basket summore said this)

Me : then how a MAN should look like?

Promoter : ........ ( she dont dare to say anything) hahahahhahaha ( just laughed) 

you dont laugh ...

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