Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shopping Mall Edition

Date Happened : 20 March 2013

Shopping Mall Edition :

okay guys ... shopping mall edition is back!!! this time it happened in Paradigm Mall ( Paradigm Mall is a residential mall located in Petaling Jaya)

So how did the case happened ? It was actually me and my GF went to Tesco to do our weekly grocery ... and the beauty of Tesco is they close at 12am ... so usually we can take our sweet time to do our grocery shopping after most of the shops are closed.... when we are done with our grocery... we just walked towards the carpark ( of course to collect my car la) 

And half way .... we passed by "Gong Woh Tong"
ahhhh this is Gong Woh Tong la.... they are very famous in Guai Leng Kou  ( seriously ... i really dont know what is Guai Leng Gou in English wei .... any one can tell me aah ?? don't tell me is TORTOISE JELLY ??!?!?!?!  ) sure laugh die u all..

Okok.. this is not the highlight ... here comes the highlight .....

When i passed by this shop... once of the staff ( aunty) is shutting down the shutter ... and she looked at me ...(of course i was looking at her)

Then she looked at me again .... errr.. this is weird liau lor...then i looked back at her ... then she smiled at me.... of course la i have to show some courtesy right?? ... so i smiled back to her lor...

Then she started to talked ...

Aunty : You look like my DAUGHTER la.....

Me : hahahahahaha ... IM a MAN Aunty ....

Aunty : you really look like my daughter ....

Me : Hahahahahhahaha... ok ( heart bleeding)

Of course i cant do anything la... i just keep laughing at leave ...

This time really failed kao kao man ..... i laughed with my  heart pain  ......... vomit blood....

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